
  • lu428@purdue.edu

盧峰, 副教授,美國西北大學(xué)凱洛格商學(xué)院博士,普度大學(xué)終身職,康奈爾大學(xué)未來(lái)健康研究院特邀學(xué)者, 普度大學(xué)醫療工程研究院研究員,北京大學(xué)國家發(fā)展研究院訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者。盧教授是《生產(chǎn)與運作管理》(Production and Operations Management) 高級主編,Naval Research Logistics醫療專(zhuān)輯的副主編。她的研究領(lǐng)域主要集中在醫療養老管理、非盈利產(chǎn)業(yè)組織管理和科技創(chuàng )新。她曾在Science、Review of Economics and Statistics、Journal of Health Economics、Management Science 和Production and Operations Management等國際頂級經(jīng)濟類(lèi), 管理類(lèi),醫學(xué)類(lèi)和公共衛生類(lèi)學(xué)術(shù)期刊發(fā)表了二十篇論文。2008年,她獨立完成的關(guān)于醫療信息披露的論文獲得美國衛生經(jīng)濟學(xué)會(huì )(ASHE)兩年一度的最佳論文。 2015年,她與合作者關(guān)于技術(shù)進(jìn)步對護士就業(yè)影響的論文獲得美國醫療信息技術(shù)協(xié)會(huì )(WHITE)的年度最佳論文。 2018年,她與心臟病專(zhuān)家合作的論文獲得世界心臟病研究與技術(shù)大會(huì )年度最佳論文之一。她的研究還獲得Nature News, Freakonomics 和 Vox 等媒體的關(guān)注和廣泛報道,并得到醫療領(lǐng)域上市公司Castlight Health的青睞。

  • Purdue University, Krannert School of Management, West Lafayette, IN Assistant/Associate Professor (with tenure) of Management
  • Healthcare Managementindustrial organization, information disclosure, machine learning、Nonprofit Management: patient routing, donations、Innovation、technology adoption、 health IT, economics of science

1. Jin, G. Z. and S.F. Lu, “Toward a More Scientific Science: Retraction and Reputation”, Science, 361(6408), 1194-1197
2. Jin, G. Z., B. Jones, S.F. Lu and B. Uzzi, “The Reverse Matthew Effect: the Consequences of Retraction in Scientific Teams", Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.
- Recommended by Freakonomics and reported by Retraction Watch
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3. Zhang N., Y Zhou, B Zhang, S.F. Lu, C. Copeland and J. Gurwitz. “Body Mass Index, Falls and Hip Fractures Among Nursing Home Long-Stayers”, Journal of Gerontology (IF 5.957), forthcoming
4. Lu, L.X. and S.F. Lu. 2018. “Distance, Quality or Relationship? Interhospital Transfer of Heart Attack Patients”, Production & Operations Management, 27(12), 2251-2269.
5. Angrist, J., P. Azoulay, G. Ellison, R. Hill and S. F. Lu. “Inside Job or Deep Impact? Using Extramural Citations to Assess the Value of Economics”, Journal of Economics Literature, forthcoming
- Media Covered by NBER Digest and VOX
6. Lu, S.F., H. Rui and A. Seidmann. 2018. “Does Technology Substitute for Nurses? Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes” (Previously circulated as “Is Technology Eating Nurses? Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes”), Management Science, 64(4), 1842-1859
- Won the WHITE best paper award in 2015
7. Lu, S.F., L.X., Lu, S.C. Smith and X. Dai. 2018. “Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients with Paraplegia: Characteristics, Management and Outcomes”, American Journal of Medicine (IF 5.550), 131(5), 574.e1-574.e11.
8. Lu, S.F. and H. Rui. 2018. “Can We Trust Online Physician Ratings? Evidence from Cardiac Surgeons in Florida”, Management Science, 64(6), 2557-2573
- Won the NET Institute Summer Grant in 2014
9. Dai X., S.F. Lu, L.X., Lu and S.C. Smith. 2018. “Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients with Paraplegia: PCI or CABG?” JACC: Cardiovascular Intervention (IF 8.841), 11(4), S8-S9.
10. Angrist, J., P. Azoulay, G. Ellison, R. Hill and S. F. Lu. 2017. "Economic Research Evolves: Fields and Styles." American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, 107(5), 293-97.
11. Brickley, J. A., S. F. Lu and G. J. Wedig. 2017. "Malpractice Laws and Incentives to Shield Assets: Evidence from Nursing Homes." Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 14(2), 301-32.
12. Lu, S.F. and L.X. Lu. 2017. “Do Mandatory Overtime Laws Improve Quality? Staffing and Operational Flexibility in Nursing Homes”, Management Science, 63(11), 3566–3585.
- Finalist, Pierskalla Award by INFORMS Health Applications Society in 2016
- Media covered by Healthcare Value Hub
13. Lu, S. F. 2016. "The Role of Donations in Quality Disclosure Evidence from Nonprofit Nursing Homes." American Journal of Health Economics, 2(4), 431-62.
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- AJHE, introduced in 2015, is a flagship journal of American Society of Health Economists (ASHE) and perceived as a top journal in the field of health economics.
14. Sun, T. S., S. F. Lu and G. Z. Jin. 2016. "Solving Shortage in a Priceless Market: Insights from Blood Donation." Journal of Health Economics, 48, 149-65.
- Featured on Nobel Prize Laureate Al Roth’s blog - Market Designer and in NBER News
- JHE is a top journal in the field of health economics with impact factor 2.373.
15. Zhang, N., S. F. Lu, B. Xu, B. X. Wu, R. Rodriguez-Monguio and J. Gurwitz. 2016. "Health Information Technologies: Which Nursing Homes Adopted Them?" Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 17(5), 441-47.
- JAMDA is a top journal in the field of long term care with impact factor 6.616.
16. Lu, S. F., G. Z. Jin, B. Uzzi and B. Jones. 2013. "The Retraction Penalty: Evidence from the Web of Science." Nature Scientific Reports, 3.
- Media covered by Nature and Retraction Watch
17. Lu, S. F. and G. J. Wedig. 2013. "Clustering, Agency Costs and Operating Efficiency: Evidence from Nursing Home Chains." Management Science, 59(3), 677-94.
18. Lu, S. F. and D. Dranove. 2013. "Profiting from Gaizhi: Management Buyouts during China's Privatization." Journal of Comparative Economics, 41(2), 634-50.
19. Lu, S. F. 2012. "Multitasking, Information Disclosure, and Product Quality: Evidence from Nursing Homes." Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 21(3), 673-705.
- Won the ASHE best student paper award in 2008
- JEMS is a top journal in the field of Strategy.
20. Lu, S. F. and Y. Yao. 2009. "The Effectiveness of Law, Financial Development, and Economic Growth in an Economy of Financial Repression: Evidence from China." World Development, 37(4), 763-77.
21. “Does Competition Improve Quality? The Case of Nursing Homes where Public and Private Payers Coexist” (with Gerard Wedig, Konstantinos Serfes and Bingxiao Wu), Management Science, invited for resubmission
22. “Does Telemedicine Reduce Emergency Department Congestion? Evidence from New York State”
(with Huaxia Rui and Shujing Sun), Information System Research, major revision
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23. “Body Mass Index and 30-day Adverse outcomes among Newly Admitted Residents to Skilled Nursing Facilities” (with Ning Zhang, Yanhua Zhou, Bo Zhang, Sybil Crawford and Jerry H. Gurwitz), Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, conditionally accepted
24. “Medicare Payment to Skilled Nursing Facilities: The Consequences of the Three-Day Rule”
(with Ginger Jin and Ajin Lee)
- Media covered by Skilled Nursing
25. “Quality Ratings and Managerial Turnover: Evidence from Nursing Homes”
(with Jim Brickley and Gerard Wedig)
26. “Tort Reform, Chaining and Quality in the Nursing Home Industry”
(with Jim Brickley and Gerard Wedig)
27. “An Analytics Approach to Predicting Treatment Effectiveness: Inter-hospital Transfer of Heart Attack Patients” (with Qi Annabelle Feng and J. George Shanthikumar)
28. “Does Conversion to For-profit Ownership Improve Financial Performance: Evidence from U.S. Nursing Homes” (with Lauren Lu)
29. “Acquisitions and Divestures in the U.S. Nursing Home Industry” (with Kejia Hu and Lauren Lu)
30. “Nurse Allocation and China Blood Donation” (with Ginger Jin, Wilson Lin and Tianshu Sun)
31. “Ownership, Branding and Multiple Audience Concerns: Evidence From Nursing Homes”
(with Jim Brickley and Gerard Wedig), 2013, Academy of Management Proceedings
32. 盧峰和姚洋, “金融壓抑下的法治,金融發(fā)展和經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)”,中國社會(huì )科學(xué), 2004 (1), 42-55