
  • 個(gè)人主頁(yè):http://cba2.unomaha.edu/faculty/jni/WEB/index.html
倪金蘭教授,美國普渡大學(xué)Krannert管理學(xué)院經(jīng)濟學(xué)博士,北京大學(xué)中國經(jīng)濟研究中心經(jīng)濟學(xué)碩士。美國內布拉斯加大學(xué)奧馬哈分校商業(yè)管理學(xué)院經(jīng)濟系終身教授。,她的主要研究領(lǐng)域為應用微觀(guān)經(jīng)濟學(xué)、金融學(xué)、勞動(dòng)經(jīng)濟學(xué)、中國經(jīng)濟。 她有多篇論文發(fā)表在Journal of International Money and Finance, Energy Economics, International Review of Finance and Economics, Journal of Applied Finance, China Economic Review等國外學(xué)術(shù)期刊。她曾擔任中國留美經(jīng)濟學(xué)會(huì )理事,會(huì )長(cháng),理事會(huì )主席及現任中國辦公室主任。她是中國留美經(jīng)濟學(xué)會(huì )學(xué)術(shù)出版委員會(huì )成員,Chinese Economy編輯委員會(huì )成員, 曾擔任  Review of Development Economics和China Economic Review客座編輯。

  • Econometrics, Quantitative Economics and Application, Microeconomics.


Xinjun Lyu, Jinlan Ni and Christopher Decker, Compensation Negotiation and Corporate Governance: The Evidence from China. Journal of Chinese Economics and Business. Forthcoming, Feb 2018.

Steven Lugaur, Jinlan Ni and Zhichao Yin, Micro-Data Evidence on Family Size and
Chinese Household Saving Rates. China Economic Review, In Press, Available online 14 August 2017.

Yongliang Zhao and Jinlan Ni, the Border Effects of Domestic Trade in Transitional China: Local Government Preferences and Protectionism. Chinese Economy, forthcoming.

QingJiang Ju, Jinlan Ni, Debin Ni and Yu Wu, Land acquisition, labor allocation and income growth of farm households. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,
Volume 52, Issue 8, 2016.

Jinlan Ni, Mark E. Wohar & Beichen Wang (2016) Structural Breaks in Volatility: The Case of Chinese Stock Returns, The Chinese Economy, Volume 49, Issue 2, March 2016, pages 81-93.

Jinlan Ni, Chu Wei and Limin Du, Revealing the Political Decision toward Chinese Carbon Intensity Abatement: Base on Equity and efficiency Criteria. Energy Economics,
Volume 51, September 2015, Pages 609–621.
Chunchao Wang, Chenglei Zhang and Jinlan Ni, Social Network, Intra-Network Education Spillover Effect and Rural-urban Migrants' Wages: Evidence from China. China Economic Review, Volume 35, September 2015, Pages 156–168.

Jinlan Ni, Kiwil Kwak, Xiaoyan Chen and Guan Gong. The Determinants of Bankruptcy in China: Evidence from the Chinese Firms. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies. Volume No.17, Issue No. 2, 2014.

Cheng, X., Kwak, W., Ni, J., Shi, Y., Gong, G., Yan, N., Bankruptcy Prediction for Chinese Firms: Comparing Data Mining Tools With Logit Analysis, Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 10, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2014, 1030-1037.
Barron, John M and Jinlan Ni. Mutual Fund Rank-order Performance and Manager Turnover. Journal of Applied Finance. Volume 23, No 1, April 2013, pp 95-110.

Chu, Wei, Jinlan Ni and Limin Du. Regional Allocation of Carbon Dioxide Abatement in China. China Economic Review,
Volume 23, Issue 3, September 2012, Pages 552–565.

Kwak, Wikil, Xiaoyan Cheng and Jinlan Ni.  USA Predicting Bankruptcy after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Using Logit Analysis, Journal of Business & Economics Research – September 2012 Volume 10, Number 9, pp521-532.

Lien, Donald, Melody Lo and Jinlan Ni.  Selective Asymmetric Capital Financing Behavior Preference towards Equity Financing, Annals of Financial Economics, Vol 7, No.1 1-29, April 2012.

Chu, Wei, Jinlan Ni and Manhong Shen. China’s Energy Inefficiency: A Cross-Country Comparison. The Social Science Journal 48 2011 478–488.

Ni, Jinlan, Guanxin Wang and Xianguo Yao. The Impact of Minimum Wages on Employment: Evidence from China. The Chinese Economy. January-February 2011, pp. 18-38.

Ni, Jinlan. The Effects of Portfolio Size on International Equity Home Bias Puzzle. International Review of Economics and Finance. Vol.18, No.3, June 2009, pp 469-478.

Chu, Wei, Jinlan Ni and Manhong Shen. An Empirical Analysis of Provincial Energy Efficiency in China. China & World Economy. Vol 17, No. 5 Sep – Oct 2009, pp.88-103.  (2008-2009 CES Gregory Chow Best Paper Award)

Jones, James, Jinlan Ni and David Wilson. Comparative Effects of Race/Ethnicity and Employee Engagement on Withdrawal Behavior. Journal of Management Issue. Vol XXI, No.2, summer 2009.

Ni, Jinlan and Christopher Decker. The Impact of House Ownership on Crime Rate: Empirical Evidence from US County Level Data. Economics & Business Journal:  Inquiries & Perspectives. Vol 2 No.1 October 2009.

Ni, Jinlan and Deepak Khazanchi. Information Technology Investment Decisions under Asymmetric Information: A Modified Rational Expectation Model. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Vol.8, Issue 1, March 2009, pp. 55-72.

Barron, John M and Jinaln Ni. Endogenous Asymmetric Information and the Extent of International Equity Home Bias: The Effects of Portfolio Size and Information Costs. Journal of International Money and Finance, 2008, 27 (4), pp. 617-635.

Ni, Jinlan and Miaomiao Yu, Testing the Pecking Order Theory: Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies, Chinese Economy,January-February 2008.

Ni, Jinlan and Wendy Guo. Institutional Ownership and Firm’s Dividend Policy. Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control, Volume (5), November 2007.

Working Papers

Rong, Zhao and Jinlan Ni, Asymmetric Information, Collateral Value and Firm R&D. 2nd round revise and resubmit, Economics of Innovation and New Technology.

Zhan, M., Li, H., Ni, J., The Effect of Monetary Policy Transmitted by Alternative
Channels: Identification and Comparison Based on Chinese Data. Revise and resubmit. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade.

Jun Ma, Ni, Jinlan, Shamar Levaughn Stewart, The Time-Varying Synchronization of Growth Dynamics across Regions in China: Evidence Based on a Generalized Dynamic Factor Model. Revise and Resubmit. China Economic Review.

Zhang, H., Decker, C., Ni, J., The Emergence of New Technology-based Sectors: A Proximity Approach Based on Chinese Patent Data. Under Review.

Chunchao Wang, Chenglei Zhang, Jinlan Ni and Junsheng Zhang, Family Migration with Children in China. Under Review.

Catherine Co, Jinlan Ni and Guan Gong. Exports and Firm Heterogeneity: Evidence from Chinese Firm-Level Data.

Zhongfei, Chen and Jinlan Ni, The Determinants of Urbanization and an Application to China”.

Zhihui Li and Jinlan Ni, Interstate Tax-Induced Residential Migration.