
  • jingjingma@m.legalbrainz.com


馬京晶是北京大學(xué)國家發(fā)展研究院的管理學(xué)副教授(長(cháng)聘)、木蘭學(xué)者、BiMBA商學(xué)院副院長(cháng)。她于2015年在凱洛格商學(xué)院市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷(xiāo)系獲取博士學(xué)位。她的主要研究領(lǐng)域包括消費者行為與決策,公益行為與決策,心理健康與幸福。馬京晶的研究成果曾被發(fā)表在世界頂尖級學(xué)術(shù)期刊上,其中包括消費者研究雜志(Journal of Consumer Research), 營(yíng)銷(xiāo)研究雜志(Journal of Marketing Research), 消費者心理學(xué)雜志(Journal of Consumer Psychology)和哈佛商業(yè)評論(Harvard Business Review)。馬京晶的學(xué)術(shù)成果曾被多家權威媒體報道,其中包括福布斯、世界經(jīng)濟論壇、華爾街日報 、當代心理學(xué)、新華社、人民日報等。

  • 北大國發(fā)院管理學(xué)副教授(長(cháng)聘)、木蘭學(xué)者、BiMBA商學(xué)院副院長(cháng)
  • 消費者行為與決策,公益行為與決策,心理健康與幸福
  • Marketing Research、Consumer Behavior、Marketing Management


1) Yang, Haiyang, Jingjing Ma, Neal Roese, and Amitava Chattopadhyay (2021), “Market Disruption Strategies: The Transformation of Xiaomi,” INSEAD Case No. 6608; INSEAD Teaching Note No. 6608. https://publishing.insead.edu/case/xiaomi

2) Yang, Haiyang, Jingjing Ma, Neal Roese, and Amitava Chattopadhyay (2021), “Market Disruption Strategies: The Transformation of Xiaomi,” Harvard Case No. IN1717; Harvard Teaching Note No. IN1717. https://hbsp.harvard.edu/product/IN1717-PDF-ENG

3) Yang, Haiyang, Jingjing Ma, Neal Roese, and Amitava Chattopadhyay (2021), “市場(chǎng)顛覆戰略:小米的轉型之路”INSEAD Case No. 6608 (中文版). https://publishing.insead.edu/case/market-disruption-strategies-transformation-xiaomi-chinese

代表性論文發(fā)表(* 通訊作者).

1) Yang, Haiyang and Jingjing Ma* (2022), “Post-COVID-19 Distress and Unhealthy Consumption Behavior,” Journal of Mental Health.

2) Ma, Jingjing, Zichuan Mo*, and Yuanjie Zhao (2021), “Dynamic Luxury Advertising: Using Lifestyle versus Functional Advertisements in Different Purchase Stages,” Journal of Advertising, 1-18.

3) Yang, Haiyang, Jingjing Ma, and Amitava Chattopadhyay (2021), “How Xiaomi Became an Internet-of-Things Powerhouse,” Harvard Business Review.

Harvard Business Review (Russian Edition): “Как Xiaomi стала IoT-гигантом”

Harvard Business Review (Korean Edition): “???? ????? ??? ??? ??

Harvard Business Review (Chinese Edition): “小米成為物聯(lián)網(wǎng)巨擘的關(guān)鍵策略

4) Yang, Haiyang and Jingjing Ma* (2021), “Factors Associated With Chinese Adults’ Vaccine Acceptance,” JAMA Health Forum, 2(7), e211466.

5) Yang, Haiyang and Jingjing Ma* (2021), “Relationship Between Wealth and Emotional Well-being Before, During, versus After a Nationwide Disease Outbreak: A Large-scale Investigation of Disparities in Psychological Vulnerability Across COVID-19 Pandemic Phases in China,” BMJ Open, 11(6), e044262.

6) Yang, Haiyang and Jingjing Ma* (2021), “How the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts Tobacco Addiction: Changes in Smoking Behavior and Associations with Well-being,” Addictive Behaviors, 119, 106917.

7) Ma, Jingjing, Zichuan Mo*, and David Gal (2021), “The Route to Improve the Effectiveness of Negative PSAs,” Journal of Business Research, 123, 669-682.

8) Yang, Haiyang and Jingjing Ma* (2020), “How an Epidemic Outbreak Impacts Happiness: Factors that Worsen (vs. Protect) Emotional Well-being during the Coronavirus Pandemic,” Psychiatry Research, 289, 113045.

9) 馬京晶,莫子川,石曉偉 (2020)負面社會(huì )推理對消費者購買(mǎi)行為的影響,” 南開(kāi)管理評論, 23(2), 155-166.

10) Goldsmith, Kelly*, Caroline Roux, and Jingjing Ma (2018), “When Seeking the Best Brings Out the Worst in Consumers: Understanding the Relationship between a Maximizing Mindset and Immoral Behavior,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28(2), 293-309.

11) Brough, Aaron R.*, James E. B. Wilkie, Jingjing Ma, Mathew S. Issac, and David Gal (2016), “Is Eco-Friendly Unmanly? The Green-Feminine Stereotype and Its Effect on Sustainable Consumption,” Journal of Consumer Research, 43(4), 567-582.

12) Ma, Jingjing* and David Gal (2016), “When Sex and Romance Conflict: The Impact of Sexual Imagery in Advertising on Preference for Romantically Linked Products and Services,” Journal of Marketing Research, 53 (4), 479-496.

13) Ma, Jingjing* and Neal J. Roese (2014), “The Maximizing Mind-Set,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (1), 71-92.

14) Ma, Jingjing* and Neal J. Roese (2014), “The Danger of Touting a Product as ‘the Best’,” Harvard Business Review, 92 (10), 28.

15) Ma, Jingjing* and Neal J. Roese (2013), “The Countability Effect: Comparative versus Experiential Reactions to Reward Distributions,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (6), 1219-1233.

16) Ma, Jingjing* and Neal J. Roese (2013), “The Surprising Power of (a Lack of) Numbers,” The European Financial Review (Lead Story), 40-42.


17) Ma, Jingjing*, Zichuan Mo, Yuanjie Zhao (2021), “When Lifestyle Advertising Hurts Luxury Brands”, Advances in Consumer Research, v.49.

18) Ma, Jingjing*, Yu Lin, and Danit Ein-Gar (2019), “Charitable Maximizers: the Impact of the Maximizing Mindset on Charitable Behavior”, Advances in Consumer Research, v.47, 760-761.

19) Ma, Jingjing*, Kent Grayson, and David Gal (2017), “Increasing PSA Effectiveness: Two Routes from Self-Threat to Message Acceptance,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.45, 764-765.

20) Ma, Jingjing* and David Gal (2016), “He’s Just Not That Into Anyone: The Impact of Sex Fantasy on Attraction,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.44, 545-545.

21) Ma, Jingjing*, Ryan Hamilton, and Alexander Chernev (2015), “The Impact of Usage Frequency on Lifestyle Branding,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.43, 142-146.

22) Ma, Jingjing*, Ying Wang, and Neal J. Roese (2014), “The Impact of the Maximizing Mindset on Decision Time,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.42, 590-591.

23) Ma, Jingjing* and Neal J. Roese (2013), “The Maximizing Mindset,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.41, 181-185.

24) Ma, Jingjing* and Neal J. Roese (2012), “The Countability Effect: Comparative versus Experiential Reactions to Reward Distributions,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.40, 106-111.

25) Ma, Jingjing*, Ryan Hamilton, and Alexander Chernev (2012), “The Unexpressed Self: The Impact of Restricting Freedom of Self-Expression on Brand Preferences,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.40, 95-100.

26) Ma, Jingjing* and Shi Zhang (2009), “Choosing Between American and Chinese Brands,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.36, 896-897.

27) Ma, Jingjing* and Shi Zhang (2008), “On the Compatibility of Orientation, Task, and Preference: The Role of Brand Information,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.35, 895-896.

28) Ma, Jingjing*, Lee Zhang, and Xinxin Ma (2007), “Affect without Cognition,” Advances in Consumer Research, v.34, 389-391.

29) 馬京晶*、張實(shí)、張黎 (2009), “品牌信息對消費者目標取向、決策任務(wù)和產(chǎn)品類(lèi)型偏好三者間匹配性的影響作用,” 營(yíng)銷(xiāo)科學(xué)學(xué)報, 5 (1), 13-26.

30) 馬京晶*、馬欣昕、張黎 (2008), “選擇與放棄中對產(chǎn)品實(shí)用性和享樂(lè )性的不同偏好-以電腦光盤(pán)和音樂(lè )CD為例,” 營(yíng)銷(xiāo)科學(xué)學(xué)報, 4 (1), 107-119.

31) 張黎、馬京晶* (2006), “消費經(jīng)驗、文化意含與Fishbein模型,” 營(yíng)銷(xiāo)科學(xué)學(xué)報, 2 (3), 30-43.