
  • 郵箱:huangwei@m.legalbrainz.com

北大博雅青年學(xué)者、北大國發(fā)院經(jīng)濟學(xué)副教授(長(cháng)聘),海外高層次國家級青年人才計劃入選者,國發(fā)院本科教學(xué)主任。先后任職于美國經(jīng)濟研究局(NBER)、新加坡國立大學(xué)(NUS)和美國埃默里大學(xué)(Emory University)。研究興趣主要集中于勞動(dòng)經(jīng)濟學(xué)、健康經(jīng)濟學(xué)和公共經(jīng)濟學(xué)等領(lǐng)域。黃煒老師于2016年獲得哈佛大學(xué)經(jīng)濟學(xué)博士學(xué)位。黃煒老師在 Nature,REStat,AEJ-applied,JoLE,JDE, JHR, JEP 和《經(jīng)濟研究》、《管理世界》、《世界經(jīng)濟》、《經(jīng)濟學(xué)》(季刊) 國內外頂尖學(xué)術(shù)期刊上發(fā)表論文40余篇。擔任國際SSCI雜志EoT 共同主編,JEBO, CER和JAE副主編以及《經(jīng)濟學(xué)》(季刊)副主編。曾獲張培剛發(fā)展經(jīng)濟學(xué)青年學(xué)者獎,青木昌彥經(jīng)濟學(xué)論文獎,教育部人文社科優(yōu)秀成果-青年成果獎等。

  • 北大博雅青年學(xué)者、國發(fā)院經(jīng)濟學(xué)副教授(長(cháng)聘),海外高層次青年人才計劃入選者
  • 公共經(jīng)濟學(xué)、健康經(jīng)濟學(xué)、勞動(dòng)經(jīng)濟學(xué)、應用微觀(guān)實(shí)證
  • 碩博研究生:公共經(jīng)濟學(xué)、健康經(jīng)濟學(xué)、經(jīng)濟學(xué)論文寫(xiě)作;




The Educational and Labor Market Consequences of Teenage Exposure to Rural Land Decollectivization in China. with Zhian Hu, Wei Luo, Wuyue You, and Chuanchuan Zhang. Conditionally Accepted by Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

Social Norms and the Impact of Early Life Events on Gender Inequality. with Albert Park and Wei Luo, Accepted by Journal of Human Resources.

Huang, Wei, Yinghao Pan, and Yi Zhou. One-Child Policy, Marriage Distortion and Welfare Loss. The Review of Economics and Statistics (Forthcoming). doi: https://doi.org/10.1162/rest_a_01332

Huang, Wei, Xiaoyan Lei, Guangjun Shen, and Ang Sun. Beyond Nature and Nurture: The Impact of Maternal Education on Child Health. Journal of Human Resources (Forthcoming). DOI: https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0220-10720R4

Huang, Wei, Teng Li, Yinghao Pan, and Jinyang Ren. Teacher Characteristics and Student Performance: Evidence from Random Teacher-Student Assignments in China. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 214 (2023): 747-781.

Huang, Wei, and Hong Liu. Early Childhood Exposure to Health Insurance and Adolescent Outcomes: Evidence from Rural China. Journal of Development Economics 160 (2023): 102925.

Huang, Wei, Xiaoyan Lei, and Ang Sun. Fertility Restrictions and Life Cycle Outcomes: Evidence from the One Child Policy in China. The Review of Economics and Statistics 103, no. 4 (2021): 694-710.

Huang, Wei, and Chuanchuan Zhang. The Power of Social Pensions: Evidence from China’s New Rural Pension Scheme. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 13, no. 2 (2021): 179-205.

Dai, Mi, Wei Huang, and Yifan Zhang. How Do Households Adjust to Tariff Liberalization? Evidence from China’s WTO Accession. Journal of Development Economics 150 (2021): 102628.

Dai, Mi, Wei Huang, and Yifan Zhang. Persistent Effects of Initial Labor Market Conditions: The Case of China’s Tariff Liberalization after WTO Accession. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 178 (2020): 566-581.

Glaeser, Edward, Wei Huang, Yueran Ma, and Andrei Shleifer. A Real Estate Boom with Chinese Characteristics. Journal of Economic Perspectives 31, no. 1 (2017): 93-116.

Huang, Wei. How does the One Child Policy Impact Social and Economic Outcomes? IZA World of Labor (2017).

Huang, Wei, Xiaoyan Lei, and Yaohui Zhao. One-Child Policy and the Rise of Man-made Twins. The Review of Economics and Statistics 98, no. 3 (2016): 467-476.

Freeman, Richard B., and Wei Huang. Collaborating With People Like Me: Ethnic Co-authorship within the US. Journal of Labor Economics 33, no. S1 (2015): S289-S318.

Huang, Wei. Do ABCs Get More Citations than XYZs? Economic Inquiry 53, no. 1 (2015): 773-789.

Cutler, David M., Wei Huang, and Adriana Lleras-Muney. When Does Education Matter? The Protective Effect of Education for Cohorts Graduating in Bad Times. Social Science & Medicine 127 (2015): 63-73.

Freeman, Richard B., and Wei Huang. Collaboration: Strength in Diversity. Nature 513, no. 7518 (2014): 305-305.

Huang, Wei, and Yi Zhou. Effects of Education on Cognition at Older Ages: Evidence from China’s Great Famine. Social Science & Medicine 98 (2013): 54-62.

Huang, Wei, Xiaoyan Lei, Geert Ridder, John Strauss, and Yaohui Zhao. Health, Height, Height Shrinkage, and SES at Older Ages: Evidence from China. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 5, no. 2 (2013): 86-121.


行業(yè)規范標準化、資本跨區流動(dòng)與統一大市場(chǎng)建設 (與何凡、陳波),管理世界,終審。

跨境運輸的穩就業(yè)效應——來(lái)自上市企業(yè)的證據 (與曾鑫、何凡),世界經(jīng)濟文匯,待刊。

疫苗接種、人力資本積累及其經(jīng)濟收益 (與何凡、王姣),經(jīng)濟學(xué)(季刊),待刊。

校園微觀(guān)環(huán)境對留守兒童學(xué)業(yè)表現的影響 (與劉婉琳、張慶),經(jīng)濟學(xué)報,待刊。

數字經(jīng)濟如何改善農戶(hù)消費不平等?來(lái)自農村電商發(fā)展的證據 (與丁相元,曾鑫),數量經(jīng)濟技術(shù)經(jīng)濟研究,返修。

丁相元, 張子堯*, 黃煒. 大學(xué)教育的社會(huì )回報——擴招與人力資本外溢效應 [J]. 經(jīng)濟學(xué)(季刊), 2024(02): 412-430.

羅奇, 黃煒*. 經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)與環(huán)境保護協(xié)同共進(jìn):基于貿易政策不確定性下降的污染減排效應視角 [J] 財貿經(jīng)濟, 2024, 45(01): 127-143.

張子堯, 黃煒*, 丁相元, 尹恒. 企業(yè)社會(huì )保險繳費負擔與勞動(dòng)收入份額:理論分析與經(jīng)驗證據 [J]. 世界經(jīng)濟, 2023, 46(12): 167-196。

王一平,王非,黃煒*. 脫貧共富對人力資本積累的同儕提升效應: 基于隨機分班的微觀(guān)數據檢驗 [J]. 經(jīng)濟學(xué)(季刊), 2023(06):2174-2193. DOI: 10.13821/j.cnki.ceq.2023.06.07

張子堯,黃煒*. 事件研究法的實(shí)現、問(wèn)題和拓展 [J]. 數量經(jīng)濟技術(shù)經(jīng)濟研究, 2023年第9期。

何凡, 曾鑫, 黃煒*. 社保繳費對勞動(dòng)力就業(yè)、工資和家庭儲蓄的影響 [J]. 世界經(jīng)濟, 2023(07): 219-240. DOI: 10.19985/j.cnki.cassjwe.2023.07.006.

張川川, 魏旭, 黃煒*. 社會(huì )保障項目之間的相互作用:新型農村社會(huì )養老保險對醫療保險的擠出 [J]. 經(jīng)濟學(xué)(季刊), 2023, 23(03): 860-875. DOI: 10.13821/j.cnki.ceq.2023.03.03.

沓鈺淇, 黃煒*, 雷曉燕. 實(shí)物類(lèi)轉移支付的道德風(fēng)險:以中國城職保個(gè)人賬戶(hù)為例 [J]. 世界經(jīng)濟, 2023, 46(05): 201-230. DOI: 10.19985/j.cnki.cassjwe.2023.05.008.

胡龍海, 黃煒, 任昶宇, 周羿*. 風(fēng)險感知、網(wǎng)絡(luò )搜索與消費扭曲 [J]. 經(jīng)濟學(xué)(季刊), 2023, 23(02): 425-446. DOI: 10.13821/j.cnki.ceq.2023.02.02.

黃煒, 任昶宇, 周羿*. 退休制度、勞動(dòng)供給與收入消費動(dòng)態(tài) [J]. 經(jīng)濟研究, 2023, 58(01): 141-157.

汪佩潔, 蒙克, 黃海, 黃煒*. 社會(huì )保險繳費率與企業(yè)全要素生產(chǎn)率和創(chuàng )新 [J] 經(jīng)濟研究, 2022, 57(10): 69-85.

殷戈, 黃煒*, 周羿. 社會(huì )資本在人力資本積累中的作用:以黨員家長(cháng)在班級層面的溢出效應為例 [J]. 經(jīng)濟學(xué)報, 2022, 9(04): 243-270. DOI: 10.16513/j.cnki.cje.20221024.002.

王明哲, 周迪, 黃煒*. 扶貧先扶志——脫貧家庭內生動(dòng)力對返貧風(fēng)險的影響 [J]. 世界經(jīng)濟文匯, 2022(05): 1-18.

宋弘, 羅吉罡, 黃煒*. 教育扶貧與人力資本積累:事實(shí)、機制與政策含義 [J].世界經(jīng)濟,2022, 45(10): 3-27. DOI: 10.19985/j.cnki.cassjwe.2022.10.005.

亢延錕, 黃海, 張柳欽, 黃煒*. 產(chǎn)學(xué)研合作與中國高校創(chuàng )新 [J].數量經(jīng)濟技術(shù)經(jīng)濟研究, 2022, 39(10): 129-149. DOI: 10.13653/j.cnki.jqte.20220920.005.

黃煒, 沓鈺淇. 醫療保險的道德風(fēng)險問(wèn)題:來(lái)自中國經(jīng)驗的故事,中國經(jīng)濟學(xué), 2022(01):159-190+376-378.

黃煒, 張子堯*, 劉安然. 從雙重差分法到事件研究法,產(chǎn)業(yè)經(jīng)濟評論,2022(02): 17-36. DOI:10.19313/j.cnki.cn10-1223/f.20211227.002.

王莉, 亢延錕*, 薛飛, 黃煒. 環(huán)境政策效果的綜合框架:來(lái)自16項試點(diǎn)政策的經(jīng)驗證據 [J] 財貿經(jīng)濟,2022, 43(04): 98-112. DOI:10.19795/j.cnki.cn11-1166/f.20220408.008.

殷戈, 黃海, 黃煒*. 人力資本的代際外溢性——來(lái)自“別人家的父母”的證據 [J]. 經(jīng)濟學(xué)(季刊), 2020, 19(04): 1491-1514. DOI:10.13821/j.cnki.ceq.2020.03.16.

戴覓, 張軼凡, 黃煒*. 貿易自由化如何影響中國區域勞動(dòng)力市場(chǎng)? [J]. 管理世界, 2019, 35(06): 56-69. DOI: 10.19744/j.cnki.11-1235/f.2019.0079.