
  • 電話(huà):010-62756573

北京大學(xué)國家發(fā)展研究院管理學(xué)教授,BiMBA商學(xué)院管理學(xué)教授兼學(xué)術(shù)委員會(huì )主任,發(fā)樹(shù)講席教授。馬浩教授于1987年畢業(yè)于北京工業(yè)學(xué)院,獲得管理工程學(xué)士學(xué)位。1989年1月畢業(yè)于中美合辦黃河大學(xué)經(jīng)濟管理專(zhuān)業(yè)研究生班,并留校任教。1989年秋赴美留學(xué),入讀德克薩斯大學(xué)奧斯汀校區商學(xué)院管理系,于1994年畢業(yè),獲戰略管理學(xué)博士學(xué)位。同年秋季受聘于美國博然特商學(xué)院管理系,任助理教教,2000年晉升副教授并獲終身聘用教職。其后,曾出任美國伊利諾依大學(xué)春田校區管理學(xué)教授,日本名古屋商科大學(xué)研究生院教授,香港科技大學(xué)組織管理系訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者,北京大學(xué)光華管理學(xué)院以及上海中歐國際工商學(xué)院MBA項目訪(fǎng)問(wèn)教授。

馬浩教授目前的主要研究領(lǐng)域是企業(yè)的經(jīng)營(yíng)戰略管理,尤其是競爭優(yōu)勢的實(shí)質(zhì)和起因,競爭動(dòng)態(tài)分析,多點(diǎn)市場(chǎng)競爭與合作戰略,商業(yè)模式與企業(yè)創(chuàng )新管理,以及企業(yè)領(lǐng)導決策模式等。他在北美和歐洲的英文管理學(xué)期刊上已經(jīng)發(fā)表近20篇論文,并數次獲得美國東部管理學(xué)會(huì )和美國競爭力學(xué)會(huì )的最佳論文獎。主要講授的課程包括戰略管理總論,競爭與合作戰略,商業(yè)模式創(chuàng )新,復雜組織中的管理決策等。他的教學(xué)信條是謀求理論分析的嚴謹、明晰和強勁以及理論與管理實(shí)踐的相關(guān)、共鳴與契合。近期管理咨詢(xún)和高級經(jīng)理培訓項目的客戶(hù)包括中糧集團、招商局集團、萬(wàn)科集團、騰訊集團、中信銀行、民生銀行等。

  • 北大國發(fā)院發(fā)樹(shù)講席教授,國發(fā)院BiMBA商學(xué)院學(xué)術(shù)委員會(huì )主任
  • 戰略管理,商業(yè)模式創(chuàng )新,管理決策
  • 戰略管理,競爭戰略與競爭優(yōu)勢,多元化戰略,兼并與并購,復雜組織中的管理決策,商業(yè)模式創(chuàng )新與組織變革,創(chuàng )業(yè)過(guò)程與民營(yíng)企業(yè)經(jīng)營(yíng)戰略,大型國企管理人才發(fā)展戰略,跨國公司與全球戰略


Ma, H., Liu, Q. T. and Karri, R. 2016. (Forthcoming). Internal Corporate Venturing: Intrapreneur, Institution, Initiative. Organizational Dynamics, 45: XX-XX.
Ma, H., Lu, X. and Xie, X. 2014. Corporate Exit as a Deliberate Strategy for Incumbent Firms. Organizational Dynamics, 43: 266-273.
Liao, J., Kickul, J. R. and Ma, H. 2009. Organizational Dynamic Capability and Innovation: An Empirical Examination of Internet Firms. Journal of Small Business Management, 26: 119-139.
Zhang, J. and Ma, H. 2009. Determinants of Professionalization of Management in Private Chinese Firms. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 47, 3-263-286.
Ma, H. and Karri, R. 2009. Impact of Firm Performance on Changes in Strategic Resource Allocation Decisions. Journal of Business and Management, 15, 2: 171-185.
Ma, H. and Tan, J. J. 2006. Key Components and Implications of Entrepreneurship: A 4-P Framework. Journal of Business Venturing, 21, 4: 704-725.
Ma, H. and Karri, R. 2005. Leaders Be Aware: Some Sure Ways to Lose Your Competitive Advantage. Organizational Dynamics, 34, 1:63-76.
Ma, H. 2004. Toward Global Competitive Advantage: Creation, Competition, Cooperation, and Co-option. Management Decision, 42, 7: 907-924.
Ma, H., Karri, R. & Chittipeddi, K. 2004. The Paradox of Managerial Tyranny. Business Horizons, 47. 4: 33-40.
Golden B. R. and Ma, H. 2003. Mutual Forbearance: The Role of Intra-Firm Integration and Rewards. Academy of Management Review, 28, 3: 479-493.
Ma, H. 2003. To Win without Fighting: An Integrative Framework. Management Decision, 41, 1: 72-84.
Ma, H. 2002. Competitive Advantage: What’s Luck Got to Do with it? Management Decision, 40, 6: 525-536.
Ma, H. 2001. Multimarket Competition among Multinational Corporations: Strategies and Implications. Global Focus: An International Journal of Business, Economics, and Social Policy, 13, 1:105-116.
Ma, H. 2000. Toward an Advantage Based View of the Firm. Advances in Competitiveness Research, 8, 1: 34-59.
Ma, H. 2000. Competitive Advantage and Firm Performance. Competitiveness Review, 10, 2: 15-32.
Ma, H. 2000. Of Competitive Advantage: Kinetic and Positional. Business Horizons, 43, 1: 53-64.
Ma, H. 1999. Anatomy of Competitive Advantage: A SELECT Framework. Management Decision, 37, 9: 709-718.
Ma, H. 1999. Constellation of Competitive Advantage: Components and Dynamics. Management Decision, 37, 4: 348-355.
Ma, H. 1999. Creation and Preemption for Competitive Advantage. Management Decision, 37, 3: 259-266.
Ma, H. 1999. Determinants of Strategic Options in Multinational Market Competition. Journal of International Management, 5, 2: 93-113.
Ma, H. 1998. Mutual Forbearance in International Business. Journal of International Management, 4, 2:129-147.


Ma, Hao and Karri, R. 2006. Where is Competitive Advantage and Who Benefits from It? Proceedings of the Western Academy of Management Annual Meetings.
Ma, Hao. 2004. Global Competitive Advantage: Creation, Competition, Cooperation, and Co-option. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meetings.
Ma, Hao and Karri, R. 2004. Understanding Destruction of Competitive Advantage. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meetings.
Ma, H. 2002. On The Rising Of Competitive Advantage: Luck Vs. Proactiveness. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meetings.
Ma, H. 2002. On The Multiple Facets of Entrepreneurship: An Eclectic Account. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meetings.
Ma, H. 2001. The stability of multiproduct oligopoly: A dual market approach. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meetings. Finalist of the Outstanding Empirical Paper Award.
Ma, H. 2001. Multiple Point Competition and Strategy Research: Linkages and Prospect. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meetings.
Ma, H. 2000. Causes of Competitive Advantage: A Comprehensive Assessment. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meetings. Winner of the Outstanding Conceptual Paper Award.
Ma, H. 2000. Industry Positions and Resource Endowment: Effects on Firm Performance. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meetings.
Ma, H. 1999. Competitive Advantage as a Theoretical Construct: A Conceptual Assessment. Global Competitiveness: Annual Research of American Society for Competitiveness: 1-8.
Ma, H. 1999. Types of Competition, Competitive Advantage, and Theories of Strategy: A Multilevel Theoretical Synthesis. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management Annual meetings: 99-102. Winner of the Outstanding Conceptual Paper Award.
Ma, H. 1998. To Win Without Fighting: Leaders and Challengers. Annual Research Volume of the American Society for Competitiveness: 278-286. Winner of Outstanding Paper Award.
Ma, H. 1998. Multiple Market Competition: An International Management Perspective. Proceedings of the Eastern Academy of Management: 161-164.
Ma, H. 1998. Of Competitive Advantage: Positional and Dynamic. Proceedings of the Association of Management and International Association of Management (Business Division), 16, No.1: 51-57.
Ma, H. 1997. The Paradox of Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Proceedings of the Association of Management and International Association of Management (Management Function and Application Division), 15, No. 2: 43-48.
Ma, H. 1997. Firm Advantage: Anatomy and Constellation. Proceedings of the Association of Management and International Association of Management (Management Function and Application Division), 15, No. 2: 91-96.
Ma, H. 1997. Sun Zi and Modern Strategic Management. World Management Forum (Special Issue), Proceedings of the International Federation of Scholarly Association of Management (IFSAM) Conference, 267-268.
Chittipeddi, K. and Ma, H. 1997. A Performance Based Framework of Managerial Tyranny. Proceedings of the Association of Management and International Association of Management (Leadership and Leaders Division), 15, No.1: 6-10.


Most of the articles listed below have been included in my books published in Chinese, primarily for managerial practitioners, listed under the Books section of this vita: Musings on Managerial Decision Making, Musings on Management, The Biases of a Management Professor, Scholar Ye on Dragon Admiring, Ideals of Management, and Illusions of Management.

Peking University Business Review

Ma, H. 2015. Business Model and the Philosophy for Self-Feeding. Peking University Business Review, July: 36-41.

Ma, H. 2014. The Inner TENSION of Leadership. Peking University Business Review, February,

Ma, H. 2014. A Comprehensive Framework on Happiness in Business Enterprises. Peking University Business Review, February, 55-61.

Ma, H. 2013. Intrapreneurship:Impetuses and Hindrances. Peking University Business Review, 10, October, 74-83。

Technological Changes, Communication Mechanisms, and Organizational Innovation. Peking University Business Review, 6, June, 66-75.

Ma, H. 2013. On the Proponents of Innovation: Individuals and Institutions. Peking University Business Review, 4, April, 44-53.

Ma, H. 2012. PEAK: Professional Elites and Organizational Platforms. Peking University Business Review, July.

Ma, H. 2011. Value Chain and Value Sphere. Peking University Business Review, December.

Ma, H. 2010. The Caliber for Decision Making: Elite vs. the Mass. Peking University Business Review, August.

Ma, H. 2010. The Pitfall of Cross-Over: Industrialists, Traders, and Investors. Peking University Business Review, June.

Ma, H. 2008. Legitimacy: Professionalism and Ethics. Peking University Business Review, December

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: Rules as Rules. Peking University Business Review, December

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: University Administration: Tyrannical Boss and Odd Talents. Peking University Business Review, November.

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: On Persuasion and Pursuit. Peking University Business Review, October.

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: Business, People, and the Sense of Community. Peking University Business Review, September.

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: Acquisition and Institutionalization of Power. Peking University Business Review, August.

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: The Moral Compass of Professional Managers. Peking University Business Review, July.

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: On Technological Innovation and Industry Standard. Peking University Business Review, June.

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: Bravi! Perennial Losers of Caltech Basketball. Peking University Business Review, May.

Ma, H.2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: Isolated Event and Prevalent Phenomenon. Peking University Business Review, April.

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: When and How Managers Think. Peking University Business Review, March

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: Parochial Breakthrough and Mass Take-Off of Chinese Firms and Industries: Get Real with the Achievement and the Challenges. Peking University Business Review, February.

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: Criticism and Self-Criticism. Peking University Business Review, January.

Ma, H. 2007. Curing Symptoms is Better than Doing Nothing: The Myths of the Rational Approach and The Practicality of the Branch Method in Organizational Decision Making. Peking University Business Review, December.

Ma, H. 2007. Organizational Slack: Blesses and Curses. Peking University Business Review, November.

Ma, H. 2007. On the Merits and Duties of Subordinates in Organizations. Peking University Business Review, September.

Ma, H.2007. A Scholar with Monumental Works: A Tribute to Alfred D. Chandler. Peking University Business Review, July.

Ma, H. 2007. Diversification Strategy: Antecedents, Modes, and Destination. Peking University Business Review, May.

Ma, H. 2007. A Clarification on Core Competence: Essentials and Misunderstandings. Peking University Business Review, March.

Ma, H. 2007. COOP: A Review of Cooperative Strategies of Chinese Firms, Peking University Business Review, February.

Ma, H. 2006. Multipoint Competition: Strategy and Implementation. Peking University Business Review, December.

Ma, H. 2006. On Managerial Tyranny: A Typology. Peking University Business Review, November.

Ma, H. 2006. Why Smart People Do Stupid Things in Organizations, Willingly? Peking University Business Review, August.

Ma, H. 2006. Innovation Strategy and Its Constraints. Peking University Business Review, May.

Ma, H. 2005. The Three Tenors: Singing All the Way to the Bank. Peking University Business Review, December.

Ma, H. 2005. The Self-Deluded Entrepreneurs, Peking University Business Review, September.

Ma, H. 2005. Antecedents and Consequences of Diversifications. Peking University Business Review, July.

Ma, H. 2005. Contemporary Strategic Management: A Literature Review and Critique. Peking University Business Review, June.

Ma, H. 2005. High industry profitability ≠ Industry Attractiveness, Peking University Business Review, May.

Ma, H. 2005. On Intuitive Decision Making, Peking University Business Review, March-April.

Tsinghua Management Review

Ma, H. 2016. Happiness in Firms: Means or Ends? Tsinghua Management Review, 1-2.

Ma, H. 2015. The Ultimate Source of Innovation. Tsinghua Management Review, 12.

Ma, H. 2015. From Google to Good Ark:The Firm as a Family. Tsinghua Management Review, 9-10.

Ma, H. 2014. M&A Motivated by Innovation. Tsinghua Management Review, 12.

Ma, H. 2014. The Pitfall of Internet Thinking. Tsinghua Management Review, 7-8.

Ma, H. 2014. Major Trend and New Plot: How European Food Giants Conduct Acquisitions in America. Tsinghua Management Review, 3.

Ma, H. 2013. Firm Exists for its Inside Stakeholders. Tsinghua Management Review, 5.

Ma, H. 2013. On the Mechanisms of Innovation. Tsinghua Management Review, 3, 10-16.

CEIBS Business Review

Ma, H. 2016. Wrestle with bounded Rationality. CEIBS Business Review, February,

Ma, H. 2015. Fast Fashion. CEIBS Business Review, December,

Ma, H. 2015. The Elite Schools as a Selection Mechanism. CEIBS Business Review, October,

Ma, H. 2015. The Time Signature of Gateway Strategy. CEIBS Business Review, September,

Ma, H. 2015. The SURE Way of Doing Things. CEIBS Business Review, August,

Ma, H. 2015. Maybe Jobs was Wrong about Goolge. CEIBS Business Review, July,

Ma, H. 2015. The Dark Side of Leadership. CEIBS Business Review. June, 80-85.

Ma, H. 2015. Wind beneth my Wings: From Compaq to MI. CEIBS Business Review. May, 87-88.

Ma, H. 2015. Business Model and Strategic Management. CEIBS Business Review. April, 124-125.

Ma, H. 2015. Do You Really Think that You Are Creating a Venture? CEIBS Business Review. February, 120-121.

Ma, H. 2015. Future: Invention and Distribution. CEIBS Business Review. January, 124-125.

Ma, H. 2014. Extrapreneurship: Push and Pull. CEIBS Business Review. December, 124-125.

Ma, H. 2014. It’s All about Gateway Strategy! CEIBS Business Review. October, 123-124.

Ma, H. 2014. The 4As of Crowdfunding. CEIBS Business Review. September, 122-123.

Ma, H. 2014. Acqui-Hiring in Silicon Valley. CEIBS Business Review. August, 120-121.

Ma, H. 2014. Education for Examination, So What? CEIBS Business Review. July, 122-123.

Ma, H. 2014. USPS: Platform Strategy and Internet Thinking in the 18th Century. CEIBS Business Review. June, 128-129.

Ma, H. 2014. Deliberate Exit Strategy. CEIBS Business Review. May, 128-129.

Ma, H. 2014. Could Microsoft Still Acquire? CEIBS Business Review. April, 126-127.

Ma, H. 2014. Contextual Differentiation. CEIBS Business Review. March, 124-125.

Ma, H. 2014. The Folly of Strategic Planning. CEIBS Business Review. February, 141-142.

Ma, H. 2014. The Romance of Leadership and Brutality of Power. CEIBS Business Review. January, 142-143.

Ma, H. 2013. The Celebrity Entrepreneurs. CEIBS Business Review. December,142-143.

M, H. 2013. HR Department as the General Contractor of EDP. CEIBS Business Review. December, 62-65.

Ma, H. 2009. The Ingredients of On Entrepreneurship. CEIBS Business Review. October。
Ma, H. 2009. The Pros and Cons of Group Homogeneity. .CEIBS Business Review. August。

Ma, H. 2009. The Practicality of Management Theories. CEIBS Business Review.

China Business Review

Ma, H. 2008. The Psychological Bottom-Line of Bosses. China Business Review, March.

Ma, H. 2007. Major Agendas are Often Carried out Through Hidden Paths. China Business Review, August.

Ma, H. 2006. What Liquer Has to Do with Automobiles?: The (Un)discipline in Diversification Moves. China Business Review, December.

Ma, H. 2006. Why Does Strategy Have to be Discussed with Only the Boss? China Business Review, November.

Ma, H. 2006. On the Fate of Pioneers and Followers. China Business Review, October.

Ma, H. 2005. Luck and Competitive Advantage. China Business Review, May.

Marketing and Management

Ma, H. 2008. Hao Ma’s Column: Fascination with Ranking Orders. Marketing and Management, June.

Ma, H. 2008. Hao Ma’s Column: Science and Religion: The Falsification and Corroboration in the Business World. Marketing and Management. November.

Ma, H. 2008. Hao Ma’s Column: Groundless Bravado and Unforgiving Reality. Marketing and Management. October.

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: The Obvious Practicality of a Good Theory. Marketing and Management, September.

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: Ordinary Vanity. Marketing and Management, August.

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: Something out of Nothing: The Art of Word Mincing. Marketing and Management, July.

Ma, H. 2008. Hao Ma’s Column: Book Worm’s Management View. Marketing and Management, June.

Ma, H. 2008. Hao Ma’s Column: Rhetoric and Management. Marketing and Management. May.

Ma, H. 2008. Hao Ma’s Column: Continue the Conversation with the Boss on Strategy. Marketing and Management. April.

Ma, H. 2008. The War on Format: Blue Ray vs. HD-DVD. Marketing and Management, March.

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: Of Success: Strategy vs. Serendipity. Marketing and Management, March.

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: The Miracle of Praise and Self-Praise. Marketing and Management, February.

Ma, H. 2008. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: The Impracticality of Indulging Self-Praise and Harsh Finger-Pointing. Marketing and Management, January.

Ma, H. 2008. Market Segmentation and Strategic Groups in the Chinese Liquor Industry. Marketing and Management. January. Supplemental Issue “Borrowed Brains of the Firm.”

Ma, H. 2007. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: On Work Ethic. Marketing and Management, December.

Ma, H. 2007. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: On the Frailty of Mass Differentiation. Marketing and Management. November.

Ma, H. 2007. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: Policy and Counter-Policy. Marketing and Management, October.

Ma, H. 2007. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: Conscience and Professionalism. Marketing and Management, September.

Ma, H. 2007. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: Windfall Gains and Happy Customers. Marketing and Management, August.

Ma, H. 2007. Dr. Hao Ma’s Column: Hypocrisy of Management Research. Marketing and Management, July.

Ma, H. 2006. Innovation and Value Creation. Marketing and Management, January.

Ma, H. 2005. Who Says the Customer is God? Marketing and Management. May.

Other Chinese Magazines

Ma, H. 2005. Do not waste time trying to get rid of your rivals and get busy with embracing your customers instead, 21st Century Business Review, September.

Ma, H. 2005. Comments on Blue Ocean Strategy. China MBA, September.