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北京大學(xué)國家發(fā)展研究院政治經(jīng)濟學(xué)長(cháng)聘副教授、北大國發(fā)院助理院長(cháng)。美國紐約大學(xué)政治學(xué)博士,復旦大學(xué)經(jīng)濟學(xué)學(xué)士和碩士。主要研究方向為政治經(jīng)濟學(xué)、比較政治學(xué)和經(jīng)濟史。在Journal of Theoretical Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization等中英文權威期刊發(fā)表論文十余篇。主持國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目《官員人事管理和國家治理能力研究》,并主持和參與多項國家級研究課題研究。聯(lián)合主編研討中國治理模式的專(zhuān)著(zhù)《中國新敘事》,并有譯著(zhù)《對法、權利和自由的規范分析》、《信貸立國:疆域、權力與歐洲政體的發(fā)展》。

  • 北大國發(fā)院政治經(jīng)濟學(xué)副教授(長(cháng)聘)
  • 政治經(jīng)濟學(xué)、比較政治學(xué)、經(jīng)濟史
  • 政治經(jīng)濟學(xué)(研究生),2013-2017年秋季學(xué)期,2019年秋季學(xué)期
    比較政治學(xué)(南南學(xué)院), 2017-2020春季學(xué)期


Li, Lixing, Liu, Zhengcheng, Nie, Zhuo, and Tianyang Xi*. 2020. "Evading by All Means: How does Value-added Tax Affect Payroll Tax Compliance in China?" Forthcoming at Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

Li, Jingheng, Xi, Tianyang*, and Yang Yao. 2020. "Empowering Knowledge: Political Leaders, Education, and Economic Liberalization." European Journal of Political Economy. 61: 1-16.

Xi, Tianyang*. 2019. "All the Emperor's Men? Conflicts and Power-sharing in Imperial China." Comparative Political Studies. 52(8): 1099-1130.

Xi, Tianyang, Yao, Yang, and Muyang Zhang. 2018. "Capability and Opportunism: Evidence from City Officials in China." Journal of Comparative Economics. 46: 1046-61.

Shi, Xiangyu, and Tianyang Xi*. 2018. "Race to Safety: Political Competition, Neighborhood Effects, and Coal Mine Deaths in China'' Journal of Development Economics. 131: 79-95.

Xi, Tianyang*. 2017. "Inclusive institutions and economic growth: Comparative perspective and policy implications for China." China Economic Journal. 10(2): 108–127.

Przeworski, Adam, Rivero, Gonzalo, and Tianyang Xi. 2015. "Elections as a Conflict Processing Mechanism." European Journal of Political Economy. 39: 235-48.

Xi, Tianyang*. 2014. "Reform or revolution? Theory and evidence on the role of the middle class in the rise of universal male suffrage.'' Journal of Theoretical Politics. 26(2): 283 - 311.

林雨晨,席天揚*, "右翼民粹主義的政治經(jīng)濟學(xué):來(lái)自進(jìn)口貿易和難民沖擊的影響" 《經(jīng)濟學(xué)季刊》, 2020年第十九卷第41191-1212頁(yè)

姚洋、席天揚、李力行等,"選拔、培養和激勵:來(lái)自CCER官員數據庫的證據《經(jīng)濟學(xué)季刊》, 2020年第十九卷第31017-1040頁(yè)

劉松瑞、王赫,席天揚*. “行政競標制下的公共治理與官員激勵:以國家衛生城市創(chuàng )建為例《公共管理學(xué)報》, 2020年第十七卷第410-20頁(yè)

李力行、聶卓、席天揚*.“減稅降費能促進(jìn)地方政府提高財政支出效率嗎?——來(lái)自2016營(yíng)改增試點(diǎn)全面推廣的證據《世界經(jīng)濟文匯》接受待刊, 202010


Jiang, Junyan, Xi, Tianyang, and Haojun Xie. 2020. “In the Shadows of Great Men: Leadership Turnovers and Power Consolidation in Autocracies”

Shi, Xiangyu, Xi, Tianyang*, Zhang, Xiaobo, and Yifan Zhang. “Moving Umbrellas: Bureaucratic Transfer, Political Connection, and Rent-Seeking in China.”

Dai, Ruochen, Li, Lixing, Xi, Tianyang*, and Xuanli Xie. "Natural Resource Shocks and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Coal Productions in China."

Han, Xia, Xie, Xuanli, and Tianyang Xi. "Does Owner Outperform Manager in Profiting from Political Connection? Agency, Uncertainty, and Embeddedness."

李力行、聶卓、席天揚*. 2020. “增值稅征收強度與企業(yè)排污:一個(gè)多維度國家治理能力的視角

Shi, Xiangyu, Xi, Tianyang*, and Yang Yao. "Better than On-the-job Training:Political Leaders' Work Experience Economic Performance."

Xi, Tianyang*, Yao, Yang, and Qian Zhang. 2020. “Purifying the Leviathan: The Anti-Corruption Campaign and Changing Governance Models in China.”

Przeworski, Adam and Tianyang Xi*. 2020. "Partisan logic of women suffrage."

Hao, Yu and Tianyang Xi*. 2020. "Keju as political representation."

Weicheng Cai, Yujia Wang, Tianyang Xi. 2020. "Authority and prosperity: Does powerful leaders matter for economic performance in China?"


Xi Tianyang, June 27, 2019. “Different approach to development: Four institutional features are noteworthy for understanding the China model”, China Daily (Global Edition). (page 13)

姚洋、席天揚 (2019) 主編,《中國新敘事》,格致出版社

姚洋、席天揚, 2019211. “應緊扣時(shí)代脈搏構建新敘事,《北京日報》,

席天揚 (2019) 行政區劃調整中上下級間的協(xié)商博弈及策略特征,《中國政治科學(xué)年度評論:2015-201》陳周旺,耿曙,唐朗詩(shī)主編,復旦大學(xué)出版社



席天揚,2007,“科斯定理,討價(jià)還價(jià)和政府: 對新制度經(jīng)濟學(xué)的理論反思,《東岳論叢》,第28卷第5
