
  • 電話(huà):010-62759009

北京大學(xué)博雅特聘教授,北大環(huán)境與能源經(jīng)濟研究中心主任。徐晉濤教授先后獲得佛吉尼亞理工大學(xué)(Virginia Tech)經(jīng)濟學(xué)碩士(1996)和林學(xué)博士(自然資源經(jīng)濟學(xué),1999)學(xué)位。此后先后任北京大學(xué)中國經(jīng)濟研究中心客座研究員,中國農業(yè)科學(xué)研究院農業(yè)政策研究中心副主任,副研究員,中國科學(xué)院農業(yè)政策研究中心副主任、研究員,北京大學(xué)環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院環(huán)境管理系教授、系主任。 徐晉濤教授的主要研究領(lǐng)域為工業(yè)企業(yè)污染治理政策;農村土地利用變化與溫室氣體減排;林業(yè)經(jīng)濟學(xué);城市交通管理政策;農戶(hù)家庭行為調查與研究。現任American Journal of Agricultural Economics副主編、Journal of Environmental Economics and Management編委會(huì )成員。主持國家自然科學(xué)基金重大國際合作項目、國家林業(yè)局重大調研任務(wù)、世界銀行資助項目多項。

  • 北大博雅特聘教授、國發(fā)院經(jīng)濟學(xué)教授、環(huán)境與能源經(jīng)濟研究中心主任
  • 工業(yè)企業(yè)污染治理政策;農村土地利用變化與溫室氣體減排;林業(yè)經(jīng)濟學(xué);城市交通管理政策;農戶(hù)家庭行為調查與研究。
  • 應用微觀(guān)經(jīng)濟學(xué)、環(huán)境經(jīng)濟學(xué)、高級自然資源經(jīng)濟學(xué)


  1. 1. Yang, Xiaojun, Ping Qin and Jintao Xu, 2016, “Positional concern, gender, and household expenditures: A case study in Yunnan province”, China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 8 (4), pp 572-594.
    2. Xie, Lunyu, Peter Berck and Jintao Xu, 2016, “The Effect of the Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China on Forestation”, China Economic Review, Vol. 38 (April), pp 116-129.
    3. Chen, Shuai, Xiaoguang Chen and Jintao Xu, 2016, “Assessing the impacts of temperature variations on rice yield in China”, Climatic Change, Vol. 138(1-2), pp 191-205.
    4. Chen, Shuai, Xiaoguang Chen and Jintao Xu, 2016, “The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture: Evidence from China”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 76 (March), pp 105-124.
    5. Siikamaki, Juha, Yonjie Ji and Jintao Xu, 2015, "Post-reform Forestland Markets in China," Land Economics, Vol. 91(2), pp 211-234.
    6. Lin, Justin Y. and Jintao Xu, 2014, “The Potential for Green Growth and Structural Transformation in China”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 30, Number 3: pp. 550–568.
    7. Wang, Lanlan, Jintao Xu and Ping Qin, 2014, "Will a Driving Restriction Policy Reduce Car Trips? -The Case Study of Beijing, China" Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol 67: pp 279-290.
    8. Xu, Jintao, 2014, “Contribution of development and environmental economics to national policy and development: the case of China,” Environmental and Development Economics, Vol. 19 (3), pp 297-299.
    9. Xu, Jintao and Peter Berck, 2014, “China's environmental policy: an introduction”, Environmental and Development Economics, Vol. 19 (1): pp 1-7.
    10. Jiang, Xuemei, Peichen Gong, Goran Bostedt and Jintao Xu, 2014, “Impacts of Policy Measures on the Development of State-Owned Forests in Northeast China: Theoretical Results and Empirical Evidence”, Environment and Development Economics, Vol 19 (1): pp 74-91.
    11. Yang, Xiaojun and Jintao Xu, 2014, “Program sustainability and the determinants of farmers’ self-predicted post-program land use decisions: evidence from the Sloping Land Conversion Program (SLCP) in China”, Environment and Development Economics, Vol 19(1): pp 30-47.
    12. Yi, Yuanyuan, Gunnar K?hlin and Jintao Xu,2014, “Property rights, tenure security and forest investment incentives: evidence from China's Collective Forest Tenure Reform”, Environment and Development Economics, Vol 19(1): pp 48-73.
    13. Ostwald, Madelene, Mattin Persson, Jesper Moberg and Jintao Xu: 2013, “The Chinese Grain for Green Programme: assessing the carbon sequestered via land reform”, Journal of Environmental Management, (Online: 25-MAY-2013), pp. 142-146.
    14. Qin, Ping and Jintao Xu, 2013, “Forestland Rights and Farmers’ Investment Incentives in China-An Empirical Study of Fujian Province”, China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 5, No. 1: pp 154-170.
    15. Wang, Xuehong, Jeff Bennett, Jintao Xu and Haipeng Zhang, 2012, “An auction scheme for land use change in Sichuan Province, China”, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 55(10): pp.1269-1288.
    16. He, Hui and Jintao Xu, 2011, “Projection of Timber Supply and Demand Trends in China based on an Econometric Model”, Forest Product Journal, 61(7): pp 543-551.
    17. Bennett, Michael T., Aashish Mehta and Jintao Xu, 2011, “Incomplete property rights, exposure to markets and the provision of environmental services in China”, China Economic Review vol. 22, issue 4, pp 485-498.
    18. Qin, Ping, Fredrik Carlsson and Jintao Xu, 2011, “Forestland Reform in China: What do the Farmers Want? A Choice Experiment on Farmers’ Property Rights Preferences”, Land Economics, Vol. 87 (3): 473-487. .
    19. Li, Jie, and Jintao Xu, 2011, “Climate Change in China: Policy Evolution, Actions Taken and Options Ahead”, Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, 1939-0467, Volume 3, Issue 1: 23 – 35
    20. Gauvin, Crystal, Emi Uchida, Scott Rozelle, Jintao Xu and Jinyan Zhan, 2010, “Cost-effectiveness of Payments for Ecosystem Services with Dual Goals of Environment and Poverty Alleviation”, Environmental Management, Vol. 45: 488-501
    21. Yin, Runsheng, Qing Xiang, Jintao Xu and Xiangzheng Deng, 2010, “Modeling the Driving Forces of the Land Use and Land Cover Changes along the Upper Yangtze River of China”, Environmental Management, Vol. 45: 454-465
    22. Xu, Jintao, Ran Tao, Zhigang Xu and Michael T. Bennett, 2010, “China’s Sloping Land Conversion Program: Does Expansion Equal Success?” Land Economics, Vol. 86 (2) (May): 219-244..
    23. Xu, Jintao, W.F. Hyde and Yongjie Ji, 2010, “Effective Pollution Control Policy for China,” Journal of Productivity Analysis, Vol. 33 (1) (February): 47-66.
    24. Uchida, Emi, Scott Rozelle and Jintao Xu, 2009, “Conservation Payments, Liquidity Constraints and Off-Farm Labor: Impact of the Grain for Green Program on Rural Households in China”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 91, Issue 1 (February): 70-86.
    25. Uchida, Emi, Jintao Xu, Zhigang Xu and Scott Rozelle,2007, ”Are the poor benefiting from China's land conservation program?” Environment and Development Economics, Vol. 12, Issue 04(August): pp 593-620.
    26. Xu, Jintao, Runsheng Yin, Zhou Li and Can Liu, 2006, “China’s ecological rehabilitation: unprecedented efforts, dramatic impacts, and requisite policies”. Ecological Economics, 57:595-607.
    27. Xu, Zhigang, Jintao Xu, Xiangzheng Deng, Jikun Huang, Emi Uchida and Scott Rozelle, 2006, “Grain for Green and Grain: the Impact of China’s Conservation Reserve Program on Grain Prices and Food Security”, World Development, Vol.34, No. 1, pp.130-148
    28. Uchida, Emi, Jintao Xu, and Scott Rozelle, 2005, “Grain for Green: Cost-effectiveness and Sustainability of China's Conservation Set-aside Program”, Land Economics,Vol. 81 (2) (May): 247-264.
    29. Xu, Jintao, and Andy White, 2004, “Editorial: Understanding the Chinese Forest Market and its Global Implications”, International Forestry Review, Vol. 6, Issue 3-4.
    30. Nilsson, S, G. Bull, A. White and Jintao Xu, 2004, “China’s Forest Sector markets: Policy Issues and Recommendations”, International Forestry Review, Vol. 6, Issue 3-4: 299-306
    31. Xu, Zhigang, Michael Bennett, Ran Tao and Jintao Xu, 2004, “China’s Sloping Land Conversion Program Four Years on: Current Situation, Pending Issues”, International Forestry Review,Vol. 6, Issue 3-4: 317-327
    32. Xu, Jintao, Ran Tao and Gregory S. Amacher, 2004, “An Empirical Analysis of China’s State-Owned Forests”, Forest Policy and Economics, 6: 379-390
    33. Yin, Runsheng and Jintao Xu, 2003, “Identifying the Inter-Market Relationships of Forest Products in the Pacific Northwest with Cointegration and Causality Tests”, Forest Policy and Economics, 5: 305-315
    34. Xu, Jintao, William F. Hyde, and Gregory S. Amacher. 2003. "China's Paper Industry: Growth and Environmental Policy during Economic Reform", Journal of Economic Development 28(1):49-78.
    35. Yin, Runsheng, Jintao Xu and Zhou Li, 2003, Building Institutions for Markets: Experiences and Lessons from China’s Rural Forest Sector, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 00, 1-19.
    36. Yin, Runsheng and Jintao Xu, 2002, “Welfare Assessment of China’s Rural Forestry Reform in the 1980s,” World Development, Vol 30. No. 10. pp. 1755-1767