
  • ymzhou@m.legalbrainz.com

周詠梅教授于1999年獲得美國加州大學(xué)伯克利分校經(jīng)濟博士學(xué)位,專(zhuān)攻新制度經(jīng)濟學(xué)和發(fā)展經(jīng)濟學(xué)。畢業(yè)后就職世界銀行,堅持研究與實(shí)踐制度建設問(wèn)題,積累了第一手國際發(fā)展經(jīng)驗。1999-2012年間她擔任非洲及南亞國家高層政府官員的政策與制度建設顧問(wèn)。2012-2014年間她領(lǐng)隊世界銀行脆弱性、沖突與暴力跨領(lǐng)域解決方案小組,推動(dòng)世行內部改革以提高對脆弱體制國家的援助效力。之后她聯(lián)合領(lǐng)導編寫(xiě)世界銀行的旗艦報告《 2017年世界發(fā)展報告 – 治理和法律》。2017-2020年,她常駐雅加達,負責世界銀行最大的有關(guān)經(jīng)濟、金融與制度建設的國家項目,每年負責業(yè)務(wù)量為10億美元的貸款開(kāi)發(fā)項目與1200萬(wàn)美元的技術(shù)援助工作;在財政政策、公共財物管理、地方治理、金融包容性、數字經(jīng)濟等領(lǐng)域取得成果。自2020年9月,周詠梅教授加盟南南合作與發(fā)展學(xué)院,擔任實(shí)踐教授與全球伙伴關(guān)系主任。她的研究重點(diǎn)是政策效力及制度建設。

  • 北大國發(fā)院、南南學(xué)院實(shí)踐教授、南南學(xué)院全球伙伴關(guān)系主任
  • 中央和地方政府制度建設及如何提升政策效力
  • 南南學(xué)院博士生課:“權力、制度及政策效力”


World Development Report on Governance and the Law, World Bank, 2017.

The First Independent Evaluation of the Backward Region Grant Fund, World Bank, 2010.

Decentralization, Democracy, and Development: Recent Experience from Sierra Leone, editor, World Bank, 2009. Also authored chapter 1, “Introduction,” and co-authored chapter 5, “Civic Engagement in Local Governance.”

“Co-optation Despite Democratization in Ghana,” coauthored with Staffan L. Lindberg, in Legislative Power in Emerging African Democracies, ed. Joel Barkan, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2009.

Building Effective States, Forging Engaged Societies, coauthored with other core members of the Task Force on Africa Capacity Building, World Bank, 2005.

“Emerging Legislatures: Institutions of Horizontal Accountability,” coauthored with Joel Barkan and Ladipo Adamolekun, published in Building State Capacity in Africa: New Approaches, Emerging Lessons, eds. Brian Levy and Sahr Kpundeh, World Bank, 2004.

Corruption and Public Spirit, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Economics, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California, 1999.

“Comparing State Owned Enterprise Reforms in China and Taiwan,” in Raising International Competitiveness: The Experience of Taiwan, ed. Shunfeng Song and Xinghai Fang, China Economics Press, 1998.

“Public Enterprises and Public Finance in Western Countries,” in Practices of Public Finance in Western Countries, ed. Jun Ma and Kangbin Zheng, China Finance and Economics Press, 1997.