
  • 電話(huà):86-10-62766993

謝絢麗博士現擔任北京大學(xué)博雅青年學(xué)者、教育部長(cháng)江青年學(xué)者、北京大學(xué)國家發(fā)展研究院副研究員、北京大學(xué)數字金融研究中心高級研究員。她于美國北卡羅萊納大學(xué)教堂山分校(The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)獲戰略管理博士學(xué)位,北京大學(xué)獲得工商管理學(xué)士和碩士學(xué)位。

謝博士的研究方向包括創(chuàng )新創(chuàng )業(yè)、數字化轉型、海外發(fā)展,以及公司治理。她多次承擔國家自然科學(xué)基金、社會(huì )科學(xué)基金、教育部等研究課題,研究成果發(fā)表于Strategic Management Journal、Organization Science、Journal of International Business Studies、Journal of Management、Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal、《管理世界》、《南開(kāi)管理評論》等國內外頂級期刊,主持“中國商業(yè)銀行數字化轉型”、“中國便民繳費產(chǎn)業(yè)報告”、“新經(jīng)濟與性別平等” 等多個(gè)智庫研究項目。

謝博士為MBA、本科和研究生教授《創(chuàng )業(yè)管理》及《戰略管理》等課程,曾邀請王志東、陳宏、朱嘯虎等幾十位創(chuàng )業(yè)者和投資人走進(jìn)課堂,并帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生深入和睦家、創(chuàng )新工場(chǎng)、滴滴等企業(yè)進(jìn)行現地教學(xué)。她還對大量企業(yè)進(jìn)行深入訪(fǎng)談和案例研究,出版了《協(xié)同創(chuàng )新:理論、模式與系統》,《科技賦能:中國數字金融的商業(yè)實(shí)踐》等著(zhù)作,案例《布丁酒店:發(fā)現酒店業(yè)的藍海》收錄于中國工商管理國際案例庫。

  • 北大博雅青年學(xué)者、北大國發(fā)院副研究員、教育部長(cháng)江青年學(xué)者
  • 創(chuàng )新創(chuàng )業(yè),數字化轉型,國際戰略,公司治理
  • MBA、本科、研究生《創(chuàng )業(yè)管理》及《戰略管理》


Xie., X. *, Li, L. & Zhou, G. “Economic Inequality and Entrepreneurship: Micro Evidence from China”, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Forthcoming.

Ma. H., Lu, J. & Xie, X.* “Foreignness Research in International Business: Major Streams and Future Directions”, Journal of International Business Studies, https://doi.og/10.1057/s41267-021-00465-8.

Xing, Z., Mayer, K., Xie, X*, Reuer, J. & Klijn, E. “The Effect of Contract Detail and Prior Ties on Contract Change: A Learning Story”, Organization Science, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1287/orsc.2020.1399.

Xie, X.*, Shen, W. & Zajac, E. “When is a Governmental Mandate not a Mandate? Predicting Organizational Compliance under Semi-coercive Conditions”, Journal of Management, 2021, 47(8): 2169-2197.

Pereira, V., Temouri, Y., Shen, K.N., Xie, X., & Tarba, S. “Exploring Idiosyncratic Risk Mitigating and Managing Strategies of EMNEs Through Disruptive Global Expansions- A Case of a Chinese MNE”, Journal of Business Research, 2022, 138:92-107.

Ko,Y., O’Neill, H. & Xie, X.* “Strategic Intent as a Boundary Condition of Knowledge Search and Innovation”, Technovation, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.technovation.2021.102260.

Zhang, Z., Xie, X.* & Qian, T. “Why Do Half of the Cross-border M&As Conducted by Chinese MNCs Fail? Government Affiliation and Cross-border M&A Completion”, European Journal of International Management, 2021,15(1):79-111.

Wang, R., Xie, X., & Ma, H. Evolution of Omni-channel Business Models: A new Community-based Omni-channel and Data-enabled Ecosystem, Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science, Forthcoming.

Temouri, Y., Shen, K., Pereira, V. & Xie, X. “How do emerging market SMEs utilize Resources in the face of Environmental Uncertainty?”, Business Research Quarterly, 2020, 23:1-12.

Xie, X.*, O’Neill, H. & Tan, J.“Post Entry Diversification in a Shifting Institutional Environment: How Strategy Patterns Differ for De Novo and Corporate spin-off Ventures”, Journal of Small Business Management, 2018, 56(S1): 281-296.

Shen, K. N. & Xie, X. “Moving from the Developing to the Developed: Compensation Disparities among Chinese Expatriates”, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2018, 56(2): 260-285.

Zhang, Z & Xie, X.* “Do Internal and External Knowledge Function as Substitutes or Complements for Firm Exports?”, Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, 2018, 13: 65–84.

Xie, X.*, Ma, H. & Lv, X. “Toward a Typology of Exit Strategies”, Management Decision, 2016, 54(8): 1986-2007.

Wang, Q, Xie, X.* & Wang, M. “Environmental regulation and firm location choice in China”, China Economic Journal, 2015, 8(3): 215.

Xie, X.* Reuer, J. & Klijn, E, “Determinants of board roles in IJVs in China: control and collaboration”, Advances in International Management, 2015, 28: 235-265.

Xie, X.* & O’Neill, H. “Learning and Product Entry: How Diversification Patterns Differ Over Firm Age and Knowledge Domains in U.S. Generic Drug Industry”, Strategic Management Journal, 2014, 35: 440-449.

Ma, H., Lv, X. & Xie, X. “Business exit as a deliberate strategy for incumbent firms”, Organizational Dynamics, 2014, 43: 266-273.

Xie, X* & O’Neill, H. “Boards as Resource Providers and Monitors for Research and Development”, Journal of Business Strategies, 2013, 30(2): 180.



王詩(shī)卉,謝絢麗*,“產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈數字化協(xié)同與價(jià)值創(chuàng )造:來(lái)自居民生活繳費的證據”,《科學(xué)學(xué)與科學(xué)技術(shù)管理》,錄用待刊。

王詩(shī)卉,謝絢麗*,“知而后行?管理層認知與銀行數字化轉型”,《金融評論》,2021年13卷, 78-97。

王詩(shī)卉 , 謝絢麗*,“經(jīng)濟壓力還是社會(huì )壓力?數字金融發(fā)展與商業(yè)銀行數字化創(chuàng )新”,《經(jīng)濟學(xué)家》, 2021年第1期。

韓夏,謝絢麗,馬浩,“業(yè)務(wù)退出研究綜述:基于實(shí)物期權的探索”, 《外國經(jīng)濟與管理》, 2019年11月 (第41卷) 。

謝絢麗,沈燕,張皓星,郭峰,“數字金融能促進(jìn)創(chuàng )業(yè)嗎?來(lái)自中國的證據”,《經(jīng)濟學(xué)季刊》,2018年7月。(收錄于《產(chǎn)業(yè)經(jīng)濟學(xué)年鑒》(2020))

張竹,謝絢麗*,武常岐,申寧, “本土化還是一體化?中國跨國企業(yè)海外子公司網(wǎng)絡(luò )嵌入的多階段模型”, 《南開(kāi)管理評論》,2016年1月。(入選《世界經(jīng)濟年鑒》“國際投資學(xué)”領(lǐng)域2016年度十佳論文)

周廣肅,謝絢麗,李力行,“信任對家庭創(chuàng )業(yè)決策的影響及機制探討”, 《管理世界》, 2015年第12期。

謝絢麗*,趙勝利, “中小企業(yè)董事會(huì )結構與戰略選擇”,《管理世界》,2011年第1期。


“An Integration of Premium and Liability of Foreignness” (with Ma, H.), Global Strategy Journal,Under Review.

“Alliance Capabilities and Corporate Governance in International Joint Ventures” (with Wang, Y.), Journal of International Business Studies, Reject and Resubmit.

“Does Owner Outperform Manager in Profiting from Political Connection? Agency, Embeddedness, and Political Uncertainty” (with Han, X. & Xi, T.), Strategic Management Journal, Reject and Resubmit.

“How Valuable is FinTech adoption for Traditional Banks?”(with Bian, W. & Wang, S.), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Studies, Revise and Resubmit.

“The Internet and the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship” (with Sun, X. & Ding, W.), Journal of Business Venturing, Under Review.

“Resource Price Shocks and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Chinese Cities” (with Xi, T. & Li, L.), Economic development and cultural change, Under Review.

“ 戰略投資者對商業(yè)銀行數字化轉型的影響研究”(與王祖祺、唐雅琳合作),《管理學(xué)報》,在審。


“Away from Toe-to-toe? The Effect of Venture Capital Portfolio Diversification on Firms’ Market Entry” (with Wang, R. & Xiao, M), Presented at 2019 AOM Conference.

“Why do Some Firms Appoint Interim CEOs? An Information Asymmetry Framework” (with Gao, J. & Shen, W.), Presented at 2019 AOM Conference.

“State Ownership and Cross-Border M&As: Evidence from Chinese MNCs” (with Zhang, Z. & Qi, B.), Presented at 2019 AOM Conference.

“Incumbent Performance Facing Digital Evolution: The Role of Asset Reconfiguration” (with Wang, S.) Presented at 2021 AOM Conference.

“Institution-specific Skills and CEO Career Outcomes: A 20 Year Study of Chinese State-Owned Companies” (with Gao, J.) Presented at 2021 AOM Conference.

“Internet Use and Entrepreneurship: Narrowing the Gender Gap” (with Sun, X. & Ding, W.) Presented at 2021 AOM Conference.

“The Double-edged Effect of Distance: Bank Headquarter-Branch Distance and Branch Performance” (with Wang, S and Shen, Y.)

“What Drives Entrepreneurial Orientation in SMEs? The Role of Social Capital” (with Sun, X. & Shen, N.)


《協(xié)同創(chuàng )新:理論、模式與系統》,北京大學(xué)出版社,2021。

《科技賦能:中國數字金融的商業(yè)實(shí)踐》, 中國人民大學(xué)出版社, 2018。(主編)

《數字金融12講》,中國人民大學(xué)出版社, 2017。(主編)

《數字金融的力量:為實(shí)體經(jīng)濟賦能》,中國人民大學(xué)出版社, 2018。(第四章作者)