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北京大學(xué)國家發(fā)展研究院返聘教授。美國杜克大學(xué)醫學(xué)院老年醫學(xué)部與老齡與人類(lèi)發(fā)展研究中心終身教授、北京大學(xué)瑞意高等研究所首席科學(xué)家。曾毅教授主要研究領(lǐng)域為人口經(jīng)濟學(xué)、老齡健康與經(jīng)濟發(fā)展、家庭人口預測分析方法及其在市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟與社會(huì )規劃中的應用、人口政策分析。多篇研究論文在國際頂級刊物上發(fā)表,獲得德國馬普研究院人口研究所杰出研究學(xué)者的稱(chēng)號。2010年被荷蘭皇家藝術(shù)與科學(xué)院授予“外籍院士”榮譽(yù),2018年當選發(fā)展中國家科學(xué)院院士。

  • 北大國發(fā)院返聘教授,瑞意高等研究所首席科學(xué)家
  • 人口經(jīng)濟學(xué)、老齡健康與經(jīng)濟發(fā)展、家庭人口預測分析方法及其在市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟與社會(huì )規劃中的應用、人口政策分析


1. Publications written in English and published in North America or Europe

1.1. Peer-Reviewed BOOKS written in English and published/distributed in North America or Europe.

(1) Zeng, Yi. 1990. User's Manual and software of "FAMY" --- A PC Computer program for Family Status Life Table Analysis. Groningen, The Netherlands: iec ProGAMMA (Inter- university Expert Center for Computer Software Development and Distribution).

(2) Zeng, Yi, Zhang Chunyuan and Peng Shongjian (eds.). 1990. Changing Family Structure and Population Aging in China: A Comparative Approach. Beijing: Peking University Press (also distributed by Peking University Press' partners in Western countries).

(3) Zeng, Yi. 1991. Family Dynamics in China: A Life Table Analysis. Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press.

(4) Zeng, Yi. 2004. Population Aging and Family Research. Beijing: Peking University Press (also distributed by Peking University Press' partners in Western countries).

(5) Zeng, Yi, Gu Danan, Xiao Zhenyu, Tao Liqun. 2005. Graphics of Socio-Demographic and Health Profiles of Oldest-Old in China (in both English and Chinese). Beijing: China Population Press.

(6) Zeng, Yi, Eileen Crimmins, Yves Carrière, Jean-Marie Robine (eds.). 2005. Longer Life and Healthy Aging. New York: Springer Publisher.

(7) Jean-Marie Robine, Eileen M. Crimmins, Shiro Horiuchi, and Yi Zeng (eds.). 2006. Human Longevity, Individual Life Duration, and the Growth of the Oldest-Old Population. New York: Springer Publisher.

(8) Zeng, Yi, Dudley Poston, Denese Ashbaugh Vlosky, and Danan Gu (eds.). 2008. Healthy Longevity in China: Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Psychological Dimensions. New York: Springer Publisher.

(9) Zeng, Yi (ed.). 2009. “Demography" volume of the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) (www.eolss.net), coordinated by the UNESCO-EOLSS Committee. Oxford: EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd.

(10) Zeng, Yi, Kenneth C. Land, Danan Gu, and Zhenglian Wang. 2014. Household and Living Arrangement Projections: The Extended Cohort-Component Method and Applications to the U.S. and China. New York: Springer Publisher.

(11) Zeng Yi, Lu JH, Lei XY and Shi XM (eds), 2021. Trends and Determinants of Healthy Aging in China. New York: Springer Nature Publisher (in press).

1.2. ARTICLES published in anonymous peer-reviewed journals in North America or Europe (* means corresponding author)

1) Zeng, Yi*, J. Vaupel and A.Yashin. 1985. “Marriage and Fertility in China: A Graphical Analysis.” Population and Development Review 11: 721-36.

2) Zeng, Yi*. 1986 “Changes in Family Structure in China: a Simulation Study.” Population and Development Review 12:675-703.

3) Zeng, Yi*. 1988. “Changing Demographic Characteristics and the Family Status of Chinese Women.” Population Studies 42: 183-203.

4) Zeng, Yi* and J. Vaupel. 1989. “Impact of Urbanization and Delayed Childbearing on Population Growth and Aging in China.” Population and Development Review 15: 425-445.

5) Zeng, Yi* 1989. “Is China's Family Planning Program Tightening Up?” Population and Development Review Vol. 15, No. 2 :333-337.

6) Zeng, Yi*. 1989. “Aging of the Chinese Population and the Policy Issues: Lessons Learned from a Rural-urban Dynamic Projection Model.” Referred and selected articles for publication in International Population Conference, Volume 3: 81-101. Liege: International Union for Scientific Studies of Population, 21st General Conference.

7) Zeng, Yi*, Tu Ping, Guo Liu and Xie Ying. 1991. “A Demographic Decomposition of Recent Increase in Crude Birth Rates in China.” Population and Development Review 17: 435-458.

8) James W. Vaupel* and Yi Zeng. 1991. “Population Tradeoffs in China.” Policy Sciences 24: 389-406.

9) Zeng, Yi*, Tu Ping, Gu Baochang, Xu Yi, Li Bohua and Li Youngping. 1993. “Causes and Implications of the Recent Increase in the Reported Sex Ratio at Birth in China.” Population and Development Review 19: 283-302.

10) Zeng, Yi*, J.W. Vaupel, and Wang Zhenglian. 1993. “Marriage and Fertility in China: 1950- 1989.” Genus Vol.49, No. 3/4, 17-34.

11) Zeng, Yi*, and Wang Deming. 1993. “An Event History Analysis of Remarriage in China.” Selected and referred article for publication in: International Population Conference, Volume 3: 323-335. Liege: International Union for Scientific Studies of Population, 22nd General Conference.

12) Zeng, Yi*, A. Coale, M.K. Choe, Z. Liang, and L. Liu. 1994. “Leaving Parental Home: Census Based Estimates for China, Japan, South Korea, The United States, France, and Sweden.” Population Studies 48: 65-80.

13) Zeng, Yi*. 1995. “Aging in China: Progress and Policy Responses.” Reviews in Clinical Gerontology 5: 77-83.

14) Zeng, Yi*. 1995. “China's Agenda for an Old-age Insurance Program in Rural Areas.”Journal of Aging & Social Policy 6: 101-14.

15) Schultz, T. Paul* and Yi Zeng. 1995. “Fertility of Rural China: Effects of Local Family Planning and Health Programs.” Population Economics 8: 329-50.

16) Ma, Z* and K.L. LIAW and Yi Zeng. 1996. "Spousal Residence Separation Among Chinese Young Couples." Environment and Planning A 28: 877-8.

17) Zeng, Yi*. 1996. “Is Fertility in China in 1991-1992 Far Below the Replacement Level?”P(pán)opulation Studies Vol. 50: 27-34.

18) Ma, Z.*, K.L. Liaw, and Yi Zeng. 1997. "Migrations in the Urban/Rural Settlement System of China: Insights from the Micro Data of the 1987 National Survey." Environment and Planning A 29: 709-30.

19) Zeng, Yi*, James W. Vaupel, and Wang Zhenglian. 1997. “A Multidimensional Model for Projecting Family Households -- With an Illustrative Numerical Application.” Mathematical Population Studies 6: 187-216.

20) Zeng, Yi*. 1997. “Dilemmas of Family Size Norms in China.” Selected and referred article for publication in International Population Conference, Volume 3: 1405-1418. Liege: International Union for Scientific Studies of Population, 23rd General Conference.

21) Vaupel, J.W.*, J.R. Carey, K. Christensen, T.E. Johnson, A.I. Yashin, N.V. Holm, I.A. Iachine, V. Kannisto, A.A. Khazaeli, P. Liedo, V.D.Longo, Yi Zeng, K.G. Manton, and J.W. Curtsinger. 1998. “Biodemographic Trajectories of Longevity.” Science, 280: 855-60.

22) Zeng, Yi*, James W. Vaupel and Wang Zhenglian. 1998. “Household Projection Using Conventional Demographic Data.” Population and Development Review, Supplementary Issue: Frontiers of Population Forecasting. Volume 24: 59-87.

23) Wang Zhenglian, Yi Zeng*, Bernard Jeune, and J.W. Vaupel. 1998. “Age Validation of Han Chinese Centenarians.” GENUS - An International Journal of Demography, Vol. LIV: 123- 141.

24) Schultz, T. Paul* and Yi Zeng. 1999. “The Impact of Institutional Reform from 1979 to 1987 on Fertility in Rural China.” Chinese Economic Review 10: 141-60. (The authors are listed alphabetically and share equally in the research design and analysis).

25) Zeng, Yi*, Wang Zhenglian, Ma Zhongdong, Chen Chunjun. 2000. “A Simple Method for Estimating a and b: An Extension of Brass Relational Gompertz Fertility Model.” Population Research and Policy Review, Volume 19, No. 6, pp. 525-549.

26) Zeng, Yi* and Linda George. 2000. “Family Dynamics of 63 Million (in 1990) to More Than 330 Million (in 2050) Elders in China.” Demographic Research, Vol. 2, No. 5: 113-119.

27) Zeng, Yi* and Wu Deqing. 2000. “A Regional Analysis of Divorce in China Since 1980.”Demography, 37 (2): 215-219.

28) Zeng, Yi* and Jiang Leiwen. 2000. "Does Rapid Economic Growth Accompanied by Massive Migration Necessarily Result in Severe Environmental Pollution? -- A Case Study of Pear River Delta in China." Current Politics and Economics of China, Vol. 3, No. 3. Pp. 427-445.

29) Zeng, Yi* and Kenneth C. Land. 2001. “A Sensitivity Analysis of The Bongaarts-Feeney New Method for Adjusting Bias in Observed Period Total Fertility Rates.” Demography, 38 (1): 17-28.

30) Zeng, Yi*, James W. Vaupel, Xiao Zhenyu, Zhang Chunyuang and Liu Yuzhi. 2001. “The Healthy Longevity Survey and the Active Life Expectancy of the Oldest Old in China.” Population: An English Selection, 13(1): 95-116.

31) Zeng, Yi*, James W. Vaupel, Xiao Zhenyu, Zhang Chunyuang and Liu Yuzhi. 2001. “L’enquete sue la longevite en bonne sante: l’esperance de vie sans incapacite des personnes tres agees en Chine.” Population: Longevite, 56(1/2): 109-132.

32) Zeng, Yi* and Linda George. 2002. “Extremely Rapid Aging and the Living Arrangement of Elderly Persons: the Case of China.” In Living Arrangements of Older Persons, Population Bulletin of the United Nations, Special Issue Nos. 42/43, New York: United Nations.

33) Zeng, Yi* and Kenneth C. Land. 2002. “Adjusting Period Tempo Changes – with an Extension of Ryder’s Basic Translation Equation.” Demography, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 269- 285.

34) Zeng, Yi*. 2001. “A Demographic Analysis of Family Households in China, 1982-1995.”Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 15-34.

35) Zeng, Yi*, James W. Vaupel, Xiao Zhenyu, Zhang Chunyuan and Liu Yuzhi. 2002. “Sociodemographic and Health Profiles of Oldest Old in China.” Population and Development Review, Vol. 28, No. 2: 251-273.

36) Zeng, Yi* and James W. Vaupel. 2002. “Functional Capacity and Self-Evaluation of Health and Life of the Oldest Old in China.” Journal of Social Issues, 58: 733-748.

37) Zeng, Yi*, T. Paul Schultz, Wang Deming, and Gu Danan. 2002. “Association of Divorce with Socio-economic Covariates in China, 1955-1985: Event History Analysis based on Data collected in Shanghia, Hebei, and Shaanxi.” Demographic Research, Vol. 7, Article 11.

38) Zeng, Yi*. 2002. “Aging in China.” Ekerdt, David J. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Aging. Macmillan Reference USA, an Imprint of the Gale Group, New York.

39) Zeng, Yi*, Liu Yuzhi, and Linda George. 2003. “Gender Differentials of Oldest Old in China.”Research on Aging. 25: 65-80.

40) Zeng, Yi* and James W. Vaupel. 2003. “Oldest Old Mortality in China.” Demographic Research, Vol. 8 (7): 215-244.

41) Zeng, Yi* and Zhenglian Wang. 2003. “Dynamics of Family and Elderly Living Arrangements in China: New Lessons Learned from the 2000 Census.” The China Review, Vol. 3, No. 2: 95-119.

42) Zeng, Yi*; Gu, Danan, and Land, K. C. 2004. “A New Method for Correcting Underestimation of Disabled Life Expectancy and Application to Chinese Oldest-Old.” Demography, Vol. 41 (2): 335-361.

43) Zeng, Yi*, and Vaupel, J.W. 2004. “Association of Late Childbearing With Healthy Longevity among The Oldest-Old in China.” Population Studies, 58(1): 37-53.

44) Zeng, Yi*. 2004. “Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey and Some Research Findings.” Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 2004; 4: S49-S52.

45) Zeng, Yi*, Eric Stallard, and Zhenglian Wang. 2004. “Computing Time-Varying Sex-Age- Specific Rates of Marriage/Union Formation and Dissolution in Family Household Projection or Simulation.” Demographic Research, 11, 264-299.

46) Zeng, Yi*, George L., Vaupel J., Goodkind D. 2004. Chinese longitudinal healthy longevity survey: A unique data resource and research opportunities. Gerontologist 44:194-195.

47) Gu, Danan*; and Zeng, Yi. 2004. Sociodemographic Effects on the Onset and Recovery of ADL Disability among Chinese Oldest-old. Demographic Research, 11, 1-44.

48) Zeng, Yi*, Kenneth C. Land, Zhenglian Wang, and Gu Danan. 2006. “U.S. Family Household Momentum and Dynamics -- Extension of ProFamy Method and Application.” Population Research and Policy Review, 25(1): 1-41.

49) Gu, Danan*, Liu, Guangya, Vlosky, A. Denese and Zeng, Yi. (2007). Factors Associated with Place of Death among Chinese Oldest-old. Journal of Applied Gerontology 26(1), 34- 57.

50) Zeng, Yi*, Danan Gu, and Kenneth C. Land. 2007. “The Association of Childhood Socioeconomic Conditions with Healthy Longevity at the Oldest-Old Ages in China.” Demography. Vol 44, No. 3: 497-518.

51) Zeng, Yi*, 2007. “Options of Fertility Policy Transition in China.” Population and Development Review. Vol. 33 No. 2, Pp. 215-246 (Heading article).

52) Zeng, Yi*, Zhenglian Wang, Jiang Leiwen, and Danan Gu. 2008. “Future trend of family households and elderly living arrangement in China”, GENUS - An International Journal of Demography, LXIV (No. 1-2): 9-36.

53) Zeng, Yi* (2008). “La Presion demografica sobre el envejecimiento de la poblacion” (Demographic Pressure on Population Aging in Chin). Vanguardia Dossier (Spanish Quarterly), Issue 28: 53-59.

54) Xiao, Xinhua, Zhenxin Zhang*, Harvey Jay Cohen, Heng Wang, Wenhui Li, Tong Wang, Tao Xu, Aimin Liu, Mingying Gai, Ying Shen, Ole Schmitz, Yi Zeng (2008). “Evidence of a Relationship between Infant Birth Weight and Later Diabetes Mellitus and Impaired Glucose Regulation in a Chinese Population”. Diabetes Care, 2008 Mar;31(3):483-7.

55) Zhang, F.*, M Lewis, G Yang, J Iriondo-Perez, Yi Zeng, J Liu (2008). “Apolipoprotein E polymorphism, life stress and self-reported health among older adults.” Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. April 1, 2008; 62(4): e3.

56) Dupre, Matthew E.*; Gu, Danan; Warner, David F. and Zeng, Yi (2009). “Frailty and Type of Death among Older Adults in China.” British Medical Journal. 338: b1175. [PMC2667569].

57) Gu, Danan*; Dupre, Matthew E.; Sautter, Jessica; Zhu, Haiyan; Liu, Yuzhi; and Zeng, Yi (2009). “Frailty and Mortality among Chinese at Advanced Ages.” Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 64B(2), 279-289. [PMC2655172]

58) Gu, Danan; Zhang, Zhenmei; and Zeng, Yi (2009). “Accessibility to Healthcare Services Makes a Difference in Healthy Longevity among Older Chinese Adults.” Social Science and Medicine, 68:21-219. [PMC19038485]

59) Gu,D*, Dupre, M, Warner, F., Yi Zeng (2009). “Changing Health Status and Health Expectancies among Older te Adults in China: Gender Differences from 1992 to 2002”. Social Science and Medicine. 68: 2170-2179. [PMC 2727476]

60) Yang Li, Wen-Jing Wang, Huiqing Cao, Jiehua Lu, Chong Wu, Fang-Yuan Hu, Jian Guo, Ling Zhao, Fan Yang, Yi-Xin Zhang, Wei Li, Gu-Yan Zheng, Hanbin Cui, Xiaomin Chen, Zhiming Zhu, Hongbo He, Birong Dong, Xianming Mo, Yi Zeng*, and Xiao-Li Tian* (2009). “Genetic association of FOXO1A and FOXO3A with longevity trait in Han Chinese populations.” Human Molecular Genetics, 18: 4897 – 4904. (Xiao-Li Tian and Yi Zeng are co-corresponding authors) [PMC2790334]

61) You, D*, Gu, D, Yi Zeng (2010). “Familial Transmission of Human Longevity among the Oldest-old in China”. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 2010, 29(3),308-332.

62) Zeng, Yi*, Danan Gu, Jama Purser, Helen Hoenig, and Nicholas Christakis (2010). “Associations of Environmental Factors with Elderly Health and Mortality in China”.American Journal of Public Health. 100 (2): 298-305. [PMC 2804639]

63) Gu, Danan*, Jessica Sautter,Robin Pipkin, Yi Zeng (2010). “Sociodemographic and Health Correlates of Sleep Quality and Duration among Very Old Chinese. SLEEP, 33(5): 601-610. [PMC 2864875].

64) Shen, K. and Yi Zeng* (2010). The association between resilience and survival among Chinese elderly. Demographic Research 23(5) 105-116. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2010.23.5(July16, 2010) [ PMC 2990503].

65) Zeng, Yi*, Cheng, L., Chen, H., Cao, H., Hauser, E., Liu, Y., Xiao, Z., Tan, Q., Tian, X.*, Vaupel, J.W. (2010). Effects of FOXO Genotypes on Longevity: A Bio-demographic Analysis. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 65A (12): 1285-1299 (Yi Zeng and Xiao-Li Tian are co-corresponding authors) [PMC 2990269].

66) Feng Q, Hoenig HM, Gu D, Yi Zeng, Purser JL*. (2010). Effect of new disability subtype on 3- year mortality in Chinese older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2010 Oct;58(10):1952-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-5415.2010.03013.x. [PMID: 20929468/PMCID: PMC3385853].

67) Fan Z*, Zhang ZX, Li Y, Wang Z, Xu T, Gong X, Zhou X, Wen H, Yi Zeng (2010). Relationship between birth size and coronary heart disease in China. Annals of Medicine, 42(8): 596–602. [Epub ahead of print] [PMC3787846].

68) Xiao X, Zhang Z-X*, Li W-H, Feng K, Sun Q, Cohen HJ, Xu T, Wang H, Liu A-M, Gong X-M, Ying S, Yi Zeng (2009). Low Birth Weight is Associated With Components of the Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolism, doi:10.1016/j.metabol.2009.12.001. [PMC 2895955].

69) Zeng, Yi* and Ke Shen (2010). Resilience Significantly Contributes to Exceptional Longevity. Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research, vol. 2010, Article ID 525693, [PMC 3004383].

70) Zeng, Yi*, Gu, Danan, and George, Linda (2010). Association of religious participation with mortality among Chinese older adults. Research on Aging, 33(1): 51–83. [PMC3310377].

71) Gu, Danan*, Jessica Sautter, Cheng Huang, and Yi Zeng (2011). Health Inputs and Cumulative Health Deficits among the Older Chinese. Social Science and Medicine, 72: 806-814. [PMC3150484].

72) Zeng, Yi*, Zhenxin Zhang, Tao Xu, Zhongjie Fan, Xinhua Xiao, Xia Chen, Zishi Wang, Enling Ma, Danan Gu, Fengyu Zhang, and Joseph M. Corless (2011). Association of Birth Weight with Health and Long-term Survival up to Middle and Old Ages in China. Journal of Population Ageing, 3:143–159. [PMCID: PMC 3314426].

73) Zeng, Yi* (2011). Effects of Demographic and Retirement-Age Policies on Future Pension Deficits, with an Application to China. Population and Development Review, 37(3): 553–569. [PMID: 22167815, PMC Journal-In process].

74) Zeng, Yi*, Claude Hughes, Megan Lewis, Jianxin Li, Fengyu Zhang (2011). “Interactions between Life Stress Factors and Carrying the APOE4 Allele Adversely Impact Self- Reported Health in Old Adults”. Journal of Gerontology Series A: Biological and Medical Sciences, 2011 October; 66A (10):1054–1061. [PMC 3172565].

75) Feng, Qiushiu, Zhengliang Wang, Danan Gu and Yi Zeng* (2011). “Household Vehicle Consumption Forecasts in the United States, 2000 to 2025”. International Journal of Market Research, 53(5):593-618.

76) Feng Jie, Jianyi Zhang, Ming Liu, Gang Wan, Keyan Qi, Chenguang Zheng, Zeping Lv, Caiyou Hu, Yi Zeng, Simon G. Gregory, Ze Yang* (2011). Association of mtDNA haplogroup F with healthy longevity in the female Chuang population, China? Experimental Gerontology. 46(12): 987-93.doi:10.1016/j.exger.2011.09.001 [PMID: 21945877, PMC Journal-In process].

77) Zeng, Yi*, Philip Morgan, Zhenglian Wang, Danan Gu, and Chingli Yang (2012). A Multistate Life Table Analysis of Union Regimes in the United States-- Trends and Racial Differentials, 1970-2002. Population Research and Policy Review, 31:207–234. doi:10.1007/s11113-011-9217-2.

78) Zhao-Xue Yin, Xiao-Ming Shi*, Virginia B. Kraus, Simon M. Fitzgerald, Han-zhu Qian, Jian- wei Xu, Yi Zhai, Melanie D. Sereny, Yi Zeng* (2012) . High normal plasma triglycerides are associated with preserved cognitive function in Chinese oldest-old. Age and Ageing. 41(5): 600-606 doi: 10.1093/ageing/afs033 [PMCID: PMC3500861].

79) Smith, S.K.*, Stefan Rayer, Eleanor Smith, Zhenglian Wang, Yi Zeng (2012). “Population Aging, Disability and Housing Accessibility: Implications for Sub-national Areas in the United States”. Housing Studies. 27(2): 252-266 doi:10.1080/02673037.2012.649468 (Available online: 01 Mar 2012; printed version will be available later).

80) Zeng, Yi*, Huashuai Chen, Xiaoming Shi, Zhaoxue Yin, Ze Yang, Jun Gu and Dan Blazer (2012). Health Consequences of Familial Longevity Influence among the Chinese Elderly. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2012, 68(4), 473-482. doi: 10.1093/gerona/gls203.[ PMCID: PMC3593617]

81) Chen X, Zhang ZX*, George LK, Wang ZS, Fan ZJ, Xu T, Zhou XL, Han SM, Wen HB, Zeng Y (2012). Birth measurements, family history, and environmental factors associated with later-life hypertensive status. Am J Hypertens. 2012, Apr 25(4):464-71. doi: 10.1038/ajh.2011.262. Epub 2012 Feb 2. [PMID: 22297260].

82) Feng L. *, J. Li, T.P. Ng, T.S. Lee, E.H. Kua, Yi Zeng (2012). Tea Drinking and Cognitive Function in Oldest-Old Chinese, THE JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, HEALTH & AGING. November 2012, Volume 16, Issue 9, pp 754-758.[PMC3675265]

83) Purser, Jama*, Qiushi Feng*, Zeng Yi, and Helen Hoenig. 2012. “A New Classification of Function and Disability in China: Subtypes Based on Performance-based and Self-reported Measures.” Journal of Aging and Health 24(5):779-798. PMID: 22556391/PMCID: PMC3399922.

84) ZHAI Yi, SHI Xiao Ming*, FITZGERALD Simon Michael, QIAN Han Zhu, KRAUS Virginia, SERENY Melanie, HU Perry, YIN Zhao Xue, XU Jian Wei, and ZENG, Yi* (2012). High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Associated with Different Health Predictors in Middle-Aged and oldest old Chinese. Biomedical Environmental Science, 2012, 25(3):257-266. doi: 10.3967/0895-3988.2012.03.002. PMID22840575.

85) Zhao L, Yang F, Xu K, Cao H, Zheng GY, Zhang Y, Li J, Cui H, Chen X, Zhu Z, He H, Mo X, Kennedy BK, Suh Y, Zeng Yi*, Tian XL* (2012). Common genetic variants of the β2- adrenergic receptor affect its translational efficiency and are associated with human longevity. Aging Cell, Volume 11, Issue 6, pages 1094–1101, December 2012. [PMC3633790].

86) Gu, Danan* and Yi Zeng (2012). “Healthiness of Survival and Quality of Death Among Oldest Old in China Using Fuzzy Sets.” Journal of Aging Health. 24(7): 1091–1130. doi: 10.1177/0898264312453069, PMCID: PMC3532704, NIHMSID: NIHMS422476.

87) Zeng*, Yi (2012). “Towards Deeper Research and Better Policy for Healthy Aging--Using the Unique Data of Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey”, China Economic Journal. Vol. 5, No. 2-3: 131-149.

88) Zeng*, Yi (2012) Interdisciplinary and Multilevel Research on Determinants of Healthy Aging. Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics Research, Vol. 1, No. 5: 1:e113. doi:10.4172/2167-7182.1000e113.

89) Zeng*, Yi., K.C. Land, Z. Wang, and D. Gu. 2013. “Household and Living Arrangements Projections at the Sub-National Level: An Extended Cohort-Component Approach”,Demography. 50:827–852, DOI 10.1007/s13524-012-0171-3. PubMed #: 23208782, NIHMSID #: 426281.

90) Zeng, Yi*. 2013. Extended Fixed Attribute Dynamics Method and an Illustrative Application in Biodemographic- Genetic Analysis on Longevity. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics,33(1):217-232.

91) Zeng*, Yi, Lingguo Cheng, Ling Zhao,Qihua Tan, Qiushi Feng, Huashuai Chen, Ke Shen,Jianxin Li, Fengyu Zhang, Huiqing Cao, Simon G Gregory, Ze Yang, Jun Gu, Wei Tao,Xiao-Li Tian*, Elizabeth R. Hauser (2013).“Interactions between Social/ behavioral Factors and ADRB2 Genotypes May be Associated with Health at Advanced Ages in China.” BMC Geriatrics. 13:91; http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2318/13/91.

92) Ruan, Rongping, Lei Feng, Jialiang Li, Tze-Pin Ng, Yi Zeng* (2013). “Tea Consumption and Mortality among Oldest-Old Chinese”, Journal of American Geriatrics Society, 61:1937– 1942.

93) Zeng, Yi*, Lan Li, Zhenglian Wang, Helin Huang, Jessie Norris (2013) Effects of Changes in Households and Cohorts on Future Housing Demand in Hebei Province, China. GENUS, LXIX (No. 2): 85-111.

94) Catherine A McCarty, Wayne Huggins, Allison E Aiello, Robert M Bilder, Ahmad Hariri, Terry L Jernigan, Erik Newman, Dharambir K Sanghera, Timothy J Strauman, Yi Zeng, Erin M Ramos and Heather A Junkins (2014). PhenX RISING: real world implementation and sharing of PhenX measures. BMC Medical Genomics 2014, 7-16; doi:10.1186/1755-8794- 7-16.

95) Zeng, Yi* and Zhenglian Wang (2014). A Policy Analysis on Challenges and Opportunities of Population/Household Aging in China. Journal of Population Aging, Vol. 7, Issue 4, Pages 255-281; DOI 10.1007/s12062-014-9102-y.

96) Zhaoxue Yin, Xiaoming Shi*, Virginia B. Kraus, Melanie Sereny Brasher, Huashuai Chen,Yuzhi Liu, Yuebin Lv and Yi Zeng* (2014) Gender-Dependent Association of Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference with Disability in the Chinese Oldest Old, Obesity (Silver Spring). 2014;22(8):1918-25.

97) Shen K*, Zeng, Yi. 2014. Direct and indirect effects of childhood conditions on survival and health among male and female elderly in China. Social Science & Medicine, 119 (1982): 207-214.

98) Chei CL, Raman P, Yin ZY, Shi XM, Zeng Y, Matchar DB (2014). Vitamin D Levels and Cognition in the Elderly Population in China. J Am Geriatr Soc.62(11): 2125-2129, doi: 10.1111/jgs.13082.

99) Zeng, Yi*, Huashuai Chen, Zhenglian Wang and Kenneth C. Land (2015) Implications of Changes in Households and Living Arrangements for Future Home-based Care Needs and Costs of Disabled Elders in China. Journal of Aging and Health, Vol. 27(3) 519–550 (DOI: 10.1177/0898264314552690.jah.sagepub.com).

100) Feng, Qiushi, Joonmo Son, and Yi Zeng. 2015. “Prevalence and correlates of successful ageing: a comparative study between China and South Korea.” European Journal of Aging. Vol. 12, No. 2, pp 83-94. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10433-014-0329-5.

101) Zeng, Yi*, Huashuai Chen, Ting Ni, Rongping Ruan, Lei Feng, Chao Nie, Lingguo Cheng, Yang Li, Wei Tao, Jun Gu, Kenneth C. Land, Anatoli Yashin, Qihua Tan, Ze Yang, Lars Bolund, Huanming Yang, Elizabeth Hauser, Craig D. Willcox, Bradley J Willcox, Xiao- Li Tian*, James W. Vaupel (2015). GxE Interactions between FOXO Genotypes and Tea Drinking Are Significantly Associated with Cognitive Disability at Advanced Ages in China. Journal of Gerontology A: Biological and Medical Sciences. 70(4):426–433. doi:10.1093/gerona/glu060.

102) Cheng, Lingguo, Hong Liu, Ke Shen, Ye Zhang, Yi Zeng (2015).The Impact of Health Insurance on Health Outcomes and Spending of the Elderly: Evidence from China’s New Cooperative Medical Scheme,Health Economics, 24(6): 672-691. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hec.3053/abstract.

103) Chei CL, Raman P, Ching CK, Yin ZX, Shi XM, Zeng Y, Matchar DB. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Atrial Fibrillation in Chinese Elderly: Results from the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey. Chin Med J (Engl). 2015; 128(18):2426-32.

104) Zeng, Yi* (2015), Regional Diversities of Population Aging in China: Handling Demographic Changes. German Chamber Ticker. 2015, No. 5: 11-13.

105) Gu, D., Q. Feng, Z. Wang, and Y. Zeng (2015). Recommendation to Consider the Crucial Impacts of Changes in Smaller Household Size and its Structure on Sustainable Development Goals. UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Knowledge Platform, Scientific briefs, 2015 (online), https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/topics/science/crowdsourcedbriefs.

106) Zeng, Yi*, Huashuai Chen, Ting Ni, Rongping Ruan, Chao Nie, Xiaomin Liu, Lei Feng, Fengyu Zhang, Jiehua Lu, Jianxin Li, Yang Li, Wei Tao, Simon G Gregory, William Gottschalk, Michael W. Lutz, Kenneth C. Land, Anatoli Yashin, Qihua Tan, Ze Yang, Lars Bolund, Qi Ming, Huanming Yang, Junxia Min, D. Craig Willcox , Bradley J Willcox, Jun Gu, Elizabeth Hauser, Xiao-Li Tian, James W. Vaupel (2016). Interaction between FOXO1A-209 Genotype and Tea Drinking is Significantly Associated with Reduced Mortality at Advanced Ages. Rejuvenation Research, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp,195-203. doi: 10.1089/rej.2015.1737.

107) Zeng Yi*, Sereny, M., Gu, D. and Vaupel, J. W (2016). Older Parents Benefit More in Health Outcome From Daughters’ Than Sons’ Emotional Care in China. Journal of Aging and Health. Vol 28, Issue 8, pp. 1426-1447, First published date: January-07-2016, DOI: 10.1177/0898264315620591.

108) Zeng, Yi*, Chao Nie, Junxia Min, Xiaomin Liu, Mengmeng L, Huashuai Chen,, Hanshi Xu, Mingbang Wang, Ting Ni, Yang Li, Han Yan, Jin-Pei Zhang, Chun Song, Li-Qing Chi, Han- Ming Wang, Jie Dong, Gu-Yan Zheng, Li Lin, Feng Qian, Yanwei Qi, Xiao Liu, Hongzhi Cao, Yinghao Wang, Lijuan Zhang, Zhaochun Li, Yufeng Zhou, Yan Wang, Jiehua Lu, Jianxin Li, Ming Qi, Lars Bolund, Anatoliy Yashin, Kenneth C.Land, Simon Gregory, Ze Yang, William Gottschalk, Wei Tao, Jian Wang, Jun Wang, Xun Xu, Harold Bae, Marianne Nygaard, Lene Christiansen, Kaare Christensen, Claudio Franceschi, Michael W. Lutz, Jun Gu, Qihua Tan, Thomas Perls, Paola Sebastiani, Joris Deelen, Eline Slagboom, Elizabeth Hauser, Huji Xu, Xiao-Li Tian*, Huanming Yang*, James W. Vaupel (2016). Novel loci and pathways significantly associated with longevity. Scientific Reports, 6, 21243; http://www.nature.com/articles/srep21243.

109) Zeng, Yi*, Linda George, Melanie Sereny, Danan Gu and James W. Vaupel (2016). Older parents enjoy better filial piety and care from daughters than sons in China. American Journal of Medical Research. 3(1), 2016, pp. 244–272.

110) Zeng*, Yi and Therese Hesketh (2016). The effects of China’s universal two-child policy.Lancet; Vol. 388, No. 10054, pp. 1930–38. --cover-page article of Lancet.

111) Xinyi Zhu, Chengxuan Qiu, Yi Zeng and Juan Li (2016). Leisure activities, education, and cognitive impairment in Chinese older adults: a population-based longitudinal study. International Psychogeriatrics, Published online: 09 January 2017, 1–13, doi:httip://doi.org/10.1017/S1041610216001769.

112) Zeng Y*, Feng Q, Hesketh T, Christensen K, Vaupel JW (2017). Survival, disabilities in activities of daily living, physical and cognitive functioning among the oldest-old in China: a cohort study. Lancet 2017; 389: 1619-29. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28285816

113) Zeng, Yi*, Qiushi Feng, Danan Gu, and James Vaupel (2017) Demographics, Phenotypic Health Characteristics and Genetic Analysis of Centenarians in China. Mechanism of Aging and Development, 165 (2017) 86-97.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mad.2016.12.010.

114) Zeng, Yi*, Qiushi Feng, Therese Hesketh, Kaare Christensen, and James W Vaupel. (2017). The oldest-old in China – Authors' reply. The Lancet. 390. 847. 10.1016/S0140- 6736(17)31829-9.

115) Zeng, Yi* (2017), Preface of interdisciplinary research on healthy aging, Special Collection of Demographic Research, 2017.

116) Yin Z., Z. Fei, C. Qiu, M.S. Brasher, V.B. Kraus, W. Zhao, X. Shi*, Y. Zeng* Dietary diversity and cognitive function among elderly people: a population-based study. Journal ofNutrition, Health and Aging, 2017,21 (10):1089-1094.

117) Lv, Yue-Bin Lv, Xiang Gao, Zhao-Xue Yin, Hua-Shuai Chen, Jie-Si Luo, Melanie Sereny Brasher, Virginia Byers Kraus, Tian-Tian Li, Yi Zeng, Xiao-Ming Shi (2018). Revisiting the association of blood pressure with mortality in oldest old people in China: community based, longitudinal prospective study. British Medical Journal, BMJ 2018;361:k2158 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.k2158.

118) Zeng, Yi*, Chao Nie*, Junxia Min*, Huashuai Chen, Xiaomin Liu, Rui Ye, Zhihua Chen, Chen Bai, Enjun Xie, Zhaoxue Yin, Yuebin Lv, Jiehua Lu, Jianxin Li, Ting Ni, Lars Bolund, Kenneth C. Land, Anatoliy Yashin, Angela M O'Rand, Liang Sun, Ze Yang, Wei Tao, Anastasia Gurinovich, Claudio Franceschi, Jichun Xie, Jun Gu, Yong Hou, Xiao Liu, Xun Xu, Jean-Marie Robine, Joris Deelen, Paola Sebastiani, Eline Slagboom, Thomas Perls, Elizabeth Hauser, William Gottschalk, QihuaTan, Kaare Christensen, Xiaoming Shi, Mike Lutz, Xiao-Li Tian, Huanming Yang, James Vaupel (2018). Sex Differences in Genetic Associations With Longevity. JAMA Network Open. 2018; 1(4): e181670.doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.1670. [The NIHMS# is: NIHMS988024]. (cited grants of NSFC project 71490732 and NIA/NIH 2P01AG031719).

119) Xin Zhao, Xiaomin Liu, Aiping Zhang, Huashuai Chen, Qing Huo, Weiyang Li, Rui Ye, Zhihua Chen, Liping Liang, Qiong A. Liu, Juan Shen, Xin Jin, Wenwen Li, Marianne Nygaard, Xiao Liu, Yong Hou, Ting Ni, Lars Bolund, William Gottschalk, Wei Tao, Jun Gu, Xiao-Li Tian, Huanming Yang, Jian Wang, Xun Xu, Michael W. Lutz, Junxia Min*, Yi Zeng*,Chao Nie* (2018). The correlation of copy number variations with longevity in a genome‐wide association study of Han Chinese. AGING-US, Vol. 10, No. 6: 1206-1222.

120) Lv YB, Yuan JQ, Mao C, Gao X, Yin ZX, Kraus VB, Luo JS, Chen HS, Zeng Y, Wang WT, Wang JN, Shi XM* (2018). Association of Body Mass Index With Disability in Activities of Daily Living Among Chinese Adults 80 Years of Age or Older. JAMA Network Open. 2018; 1(5).

121) Zeng, Yi and Zhenglian Wang (2018). Dynamics of Family Households and Elderly Living Arrangements in China, 1990-2010, China Population and Development Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2: 129-157.

122) Anna Zhu, Chang Shu, Lijing Yan, Yi Zeng, John S. Ji*. “APOE ε4 Modifies Effect of Residential Greenness on Cognitive Function among Older Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis in China.” Scientific Reports, 2019 (cited NSFC 71490732 and the National Key R&D Program of China 2018YFC2000400).

123) Anna Zhu, Chenkai Wu, Lijing Yan, Chih-Da Wu, Chen Bai, Xiaoming Shi, Yi Zeng, John S. Ji*. “Association between Residential Greenness and Cognitive Function: Analysis of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey.” BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health, 2019 (cited NSFC 71490732 and the National Key R&D Program of China 2018YFC2000400);

124) Anna Zhu, Lijing Yan, Chih-Da Wu, Peter James, Yi Zeng, John S. Ji*. “Residential Greenness, Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL): A Longitudinal Cohort Study of Older Adults in China.” Environmental Epidemiology, 2019 - Volume 3 - Issue 5, (cited NSFC 71490732 and the National Key R&D Program of China 2018YFC2000400);

125) John S. Ji*, Anna Zhu, Chen Bai, Chih-Da Wu, Lijing Yan, Shenglan Tang, Yi Zeng, Peter James. “Residential Greenness and Mortality in Oldest-Old Women and Men in China: a longitudinal cohort study.” The Lancet Planetary Health, 2019 Jan; 3(1) (cited NSFC 71490732);

126) Feng, Qiushi, Wei-Jun Jean Yeung, Zhenglian Wang, Yi Zeng (2019). Age of Retirement and Human Capital in an Aging China, 2015–2050. European Journal of population, 35: 29–62.

127) Feng, Qiushi*, Zhenglian Wang, Simon Choi, Yi Zeng* (2020). Forecast Households at the County Level: An Application of the ProFamy Extended Cohort-Component Method in Six Counties of Southern California, 2010 to 2040. Population Research and Policy Review, 39:253–281, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11113-019-09531-4.

128) Zeng, Yi*, Z. Zheng (2020). Longitudinal Survey and Interdisciplinary Research on Healthy Aging, Editorial Preface of the Special Issue of China Population and Development Studies on data analyses of 8th wave of Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS).

129) Zhu Y, Y Liang A. H. Khan, M/ Dong, Y Wan, Z Sun, Yi Zeng, C Nie, X Tian* (2020). Allelic distribution of ABO gene in Chinese centenarians. Aging Medicine. Published online, https://doi.org/10.1002/agm2.12122.

130) Zhu Anna, Yi Zeng, John S. Ji* (2020). “Residential Greenness Alters Serum 25 (OH) D Concentration: A Longitudinal Cohort of Chinese Older Adults. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jamda/2020.4.26.

131) Jin X, Xiong S, Ju S, Yi Zeng, Yan L*, Yao Y*. (2020). Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, Albumin, and Mortality among Chinese Older Adults: A Population-based Longitudinal Study. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism,105 (8), 2762-2770.

132) Yao Y#, Liu L., Guo G, Yi Zeng, & Ji J*. (2020). Interaction of Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) Candidate Longevity Gene and Particulate Matter (PM 2.5) on All-Cause Mortality: A Longitudinal Cohort Study. Environmental Health.

133) Yao Y#, Jin X#, Cao K, Zhao M, Zhu T, Zhang J*, Yi Zeng*. (2020). Residential Proximity to Major Roadways and Cognitive Function among Chinese Adults 65 Years and Older. Science of The Total Environment, 142607, 1-8.

134) Yao Y#, Cao K, Zhang K, Zhu T, Yue D, Zhang H, Yi Zeng*, Jin X*, Zhang J* (2020). Residential Proximity to Major Roadways and Prevalent Hypertension Among Older women and men: Results from the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2020;7:587222. Published 2020 Nov 17. doi:10.3389/fcvm.2020.587222. PMID: 33282919; PMCID: PMC7705226.

135) Han B#, Chen H, Yao Y, Liu X, Nie C, Min J, Yi Zeng*, Lutz M* (2020). Genetic and non- genetic factors associated with the phenotype of exceptional longevity & normal cognition. Scientific Reports. 2020 Nov 5;10(1):19140. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-75446-2. PMID: 33154391.

136) Yu Junhong, Qiushi Feng, Jintai Yu, Yi Zeng* and Lei Feng* (2020). Late-Life Cognitive Trajectories and their Associated Lifestyle Factors. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 73 (2020) 1555–1563. DOI 10.3233/JAD-191058. (cited NSFC (71490732), the National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFC2000400), and NIA/NIH (P01AG031719).

137) Tiago S. Jesus,*, Michel D. Landry, Helen Hoenig, Yi Zeng, Sureshkumar Kamalakannan, Raquel R. Britto, Nana Pogosova , Olga Sokolova , Karen Grimmer and Quinette A. Louw (2020). Physical Rehabilitation Needs in the BRICS Nationsfrom 1990 to 2017: Cross-National Analyses Using Data from the Global Burden of Disease Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020, 17, 4139;doi:10.3390/ijerph17114139.

138) Yao Y#,*, Zhang H, Liu XR, Liu XY, Chu T, Yi Zeng (2021). Bridging the digital divide between old and young people in China: challenges and opportunities. The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 2021, Volume 2, Issue 3, e125 - e126.

139) Xiaomin Liu#, Zijun Song#, Yan Li#, Yao Yao#, Mingyan Fang, Chen Bai, Peng An, Huashuai Chen, Zhihua Chen, Biyao Tang, Juan Shen, Xiaotong Gao, Mingrong Zhang, Pengyu, Chen,Tao Zhang, Huijue Jia, Xiao Liu. Yong Hou, Huanming Yang, Jian Wang, Fudi Wang, Xun Xu, Junxia Min*, Chao Nie*, Yi Zeng* (2021). Integrated genetic analyses revealed novel human longevity loci and reduced risks of multiple diseases in a cohort study of 15,651 Chinese individuals. Aging Cell; https://doi.org/10.1111/acel.13323.

140) Yao Yao, Linxin Liu, Guang Guo, Yi Zeng and John S. Ji* (2021). Interaction Q1 of Sirtuin (SIRT1) candidate longevity gene and particulate matter (PM2.5) on all-cause mortality: a longitudinal cohort study in China. Environmental Health, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-021-00718-x (cited NIA/NIH project 2P01AG031719, National Key R&D 624 Program of China project 2018YFC2000400 and National Natural Sciences Foundation of China project 71490732).

141) Zhang, Yun, Xurui Jin, Michael W. Lutz, Sang-Yhun Ju, Keyang Liu, Guang Guo, Yi Zeng*, Yao Yao* (2021) Interaction between APOE ε4 and dietary protein intake on cognitive decline: A longitudinal cohort study. Clinical Nutrition 40 (2021): 2716-2725; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2021.03.004. (cite grants supports from NIA/NIH, the Duke/Duke-NUS Collaboration Pilot Project, the China Natural Science Foundation, the China Social Science Foundation and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA)).

142) Yao Yao, Huashuai Chen, Lele Chen, Sang-Yhun Ju, Huazhen Yang, Yi Zeng*, Danan Gu* and Tze Pin Ng* (2021) Type of tea consumption and depressive symptoms in Chinese older adults. BMC Geriatrics, 2021, 21:331; https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-021-02203-z

143) Chen Bai, Muqi Guo, Yao Yao, John S. Ji, Danan Gu* and Yi Zeng* (2021). Sleep duration, vegetable consumption and all-cause mortality among older adults in China: a 6- year prospective study. BMC Geriatrics, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-021-02278-8 (cited National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFC2000400), National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (72061137004, 81903392, 81941021), the U.S. NIA/NIH (P01AG031719), and the Duke/Duke-NUS/RECA(Pilot)/2019/0051).

144) Xurui Jin, Wanying HeID, Yan Zhang, Enying Gong, Zhangming Niu, John Ji, Yaxi Li,Yi Zeng, Lijing L. Yan (2021). Association of APOE ε4 genotype and lifestyle with cognitive function among Chinese adults aged 80 years and older: A cross-sectional study. PLOS Medicine,PLOS Medicine, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1003597, June 1, 2021 (cited MOST 2018YFC2000400, NSFC 71490732).

145) Xurui Jin, Chang Shu, Yi Zeng, Liming Liang, John S. Ji (2021). Interaction of greenness and polygenic risk score of Alzheimer's disease on risk of cognitive impairment, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 796, 2021, 148767, ISSN 0048-9697,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148767.

146) Liu, Linxin, Huichu Li, Hari Iyer, Andy J. Liu, Yi Zeng, John S. Ji ( 2021 ) . Apolipoprotein E Induced Cognitive Dysfunction: Mediation Analysis of Lipids and Glucose Biomarkers in an Elderly Cohort Study, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13 August 2021, https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2021.727289.

147) Zeng, Yi (2021). Gender Differences in Familial, Socioeconomic and Health Statuses among Oldest-Old Aged 80+ in China. CCDC Weekly, in press.

148) Zeng, Yi, Hanmo Yang, Zhenglian Wang and Lan Li (2021). Impacts of Family Household Dynamics on Residential Energy Demands in Hebei Province of China. GENUS, in press.

1.3. Articles in English as chapters in peer-reviewed books published in North America or Europe (excluding chapters of the books totally written by or mostly written by Yi Zeng)

1) Zeng, Yi*. 1989. “Population Policy in China: New Challenge and Strategies.” Pp. 61-73. In An Aging World, edited by John M. Eekelaar and David Pearl. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press.

2) Zeng, Yi* and A. Coale. 1990. “Age Schedules of Leaving the Parental Home in U.S.A., France, and Sweden.” In Changing Family Structure and Population Aging in China: A Comparative Approach, edited by Zeng et al. Beijing: Peking University Press.

3) Zeng, Yi*. 1992. “Changes in family structure in China.” In The Population of Modern China, edited by Dudley L. Poston and David Yaukey. Pp. 535-548. New York: Plenum Press.

4) Zeng, Yi* and Zhang Qinwu. 1997. “Conditions in China Influencing Out-migration.” In The Silent Debate: Asian Immigration and Racism in Canada, edited by E. Laquian, A. Laquian, Terry McGee. Pp. 75-84. Institute of Asian Research. The University of British Columbia.

5) Wang Zhenglian, Yi Zeng*, Bernard Jeune, and J. Vaupel. 1997. “A Demography and Health Profile of Centenarians in China.” In Longevity: To the Limits and Beyond, edited by J-M. Robine et al. Pp. 91-104. New York/Berlin: Springer Publisher.

6) Zeng, Yi*. 1999. “Population Aging in China: Policy Tradeoff and Challenges.” In Population Aging: Challenges for Policies and Programs in Developed and Developing Countries, edited by R. Cliquet and M. Nizamuddin. Pp. 221-232. Jointly published by United Nations Population Fund and Population and Family Study Center, Belgium.

7) Zeng, Yi*. 2000. “Marriage Patterns in Contemporary China.” In The Changing Population of China, edited by Xizhe Peng with Zhigang Guo. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

8) Zeng, Yi*. 2000. “Prospective du vieillissement: le cas de la Chine et comparaisons internationales”. In Les Cles du XXIe Siecle. Edited by Jerome Binde and prefaced by Koichiro Matsuura, Director General of UNESCO, Paris: Seuil, Editions UNESCO.

9) Zeng, Yi*. 2001. “Forecasting the Ageing of Populations: China and International Comparisons.” In Keys to the 21st Century, Jerome Binde (ed.). New York/Oxford/Paris: Berhahn Books and UNESCO Publishing.

10) Zeng,Yi*. 2002. “Old Age Insurance and Sustainable Development in Rural China.” In Gudrun Sustainable Development with a Dynamic Economy. Kochend?rfer-Lucius and Boris Pleskovic (eds.). Washington: World Bank.

11) Zeng, Yi*. 2002. “Population Problems and Strategies in China.” In a book (in both English and French languages) on Population of Contemporary China edited by Isabelle Attane, Paris: INED.

12) Zeng, Yi*, Gu Danan and Kenneth C. Land. 2005. “A Method for Correcting the Underestimation of Disabled Life Expectancy, with an Empirical Application to Oldest-Old in China.” In Zeng,Yi, Eileen Crimmins, Yves Carrière, Jean-Marie Robine (eds.). Longer Life and Healthy Aging. Dordrecht: Springer Publisher.

13) Zeng,Yi*, Liu Yuzhi and Linda K. George. 2005. “Female Disadvantages among the Elderly in China.” In Zeng,Yi, Eileen Crimmins, Yves Carrière, Jean-Marie Robine (eds.). Longer Life and Healthy Aging. Dordrecht: Springer Publisher.

14) Kenneth C. Land, Yang Yang, and Yi Zeng, 2005. “Mathematical Demography,” Chapter 22, in D. L. Poston, Jr. and M. Micklin (editors). Handbook of Population. New York: Springer Publishers.

15) Zeng,Yi* and James W. Vaupel. 2006. “Oldest-old Mortality in China.” In: Jean-Marie Robine, Eileen M. Crimmins, Shiro Horiuchi, and Yi Zeng (eds.) Human Longevity, Individual Life Duration, and the Growth of the Oldest-Old Population. Dordrecht: Springer Publisher.

16) Zeng, Yi. 2007*. “Dynamics of Elderly Living Arrangements in China.” In: New Perspectives in China and Aging, Pp 93-104, edited by Ian G. Cook and Jason L. Powell. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

17) Dudley L. Poston, Jr. and Yi Zeng*, 2008. “Introduction: Aging and Aged Dependency inChina”, Chapter 1 in: Zeng,Yi, Dudley Poston, Denese Ashbaugh Vlosky, and Danan Gu(eds.). 2008. Healthy Longevity in China: Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Psychological Dimensions. Dordrecht: Springer Publisher.

18) Zeng,Yi*, 2008. “Introduction to the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS)”, Chapter 2 in: Zeng,Yi, Dudley Poston, Denese Ashbaugh Vlosky, and Danan Gu (eds.). 2008. Healthy Longevity in China: Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Psychological Dimensions. Dordrecht: Springer Publisher.

19) Zeng,Yi* and Danan Gu, 2008. “Reliability of Age Reporting among the Chinese Oldest- old in the CLHLS Datasets”, Chapter 4 in: Zeng,Yi, Dudley Poston, Denese Ashbaugh Vlosky, and Danan Gu (eds.). 2008. Healthy Longevity in China: Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Psychological Dimensions. Dordrecht: Springer Publisher.

20) Zeng,Yi, 2008. “Epilogue: Future Agenda”, Chapter 25 in: Zeng,Yi, Dudley Poston, Denese Ashbaugh Vlosky, and Danan Gu (eds.). 2008. Healthy Longevity in China: Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Psychological Dimensions. Dordrecht: Springer Publisher.

21) Gu, Danan; Vlosky, A.Denese; and Zeng, Yi. Gender Differentials in Transitions and Expected Years Spending in Seven Living Arrangements among the Oldest-Old in China--- A Population-Based Decrement-Increment Life Table Analysis. In Harriet T. Benninghouse and Andria G. Rosset (eds.). Women and Aging: New Research. New York: Nova Publisher. 2008.

22) Zeng,Yi* and Linda K. George, 2010. Population Aging and Old-Age Care in China. In: Dale Dannefer and Chris Phillipson (eds.) Sage Handbook of Social Gerontology, Thousand Oaks/CA/USA: Sage Publications.

23) Shen, Ke and Yi Zeng. 2011*. The association between resilience and survival among Chinese elderly. In Resnick B., L.P. Gwyther and K.A. Roberto (eds), Resilience in Aging: Concepts, Research and Outcomes. New York: Springer Publisher, 2011.

24) Gu, Danan, Qiushi Feng, and Yi Zeng: “Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Study”, in:N.A. Pachana (ed.), Encyclopedia of Geropsychology, Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016. DOI 10.1007/978-981-287-080-3_76-1.

25) Lynch Scott M.,Kenneth C. Land, Yang Claire Yang, Yi Zeng (2019). MathematicalDemography. Chapter 29 (pp. 747-773) in Dudley L. Poston, Jr. (editor). Handbook ofPopulation. 2nd edition. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

26) Zeng, Yi and Zhenglian Wang (2019). Dynamics and Policy Implications of Family Households and Elderly Living Arrangements in China, a Chapter in the book entitled “China’s Changing Family Structure: Dimensions and Implications”, edited by Nicholas N. Eberstadt and published by the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.

27) Zeng, Yi and Qiushi Feng (2021). Trends of Dynamic Changes in Activities of Daily Living, Physical Performance, Cognitive Function and Mortality Rates among the Oldest-old inChina, Chapter 4, in: Zeng Y, Lu JH, Lei XY and Shi XM (eds), Trends and Determinants of Healthy Aging in China. 2021, New York: Springer Nature Publisher (in press).

28) Zeng, Yi, Huashuai Chen and Zhenglian Wang (2021). Analysis of Trends of Future Home-based Care Needs and Costs for the Elderly in China, Chapter 6, in: Zeng Y, Lu JH, Lei XY and Shi XM (eds), Trends and Determinants of Healthy Aging in China. 2021, New York: Springer Nature Publisher (in press).

29) Yao Yao and Zeng, Yi (2021). Residential Proximity to Major Roadways and Cognitive Function among Chinese Adults 65 Years and Older, Chapter 8, in: Zeng Y, Lu JH, Lei XY and Shi XM (eds), Trends and Determinants of Healthy Aging in China. 2021, New York: Springer Nature Publisher (in press).

30) Zeng, Yi, Danan Gu, Jama Purser、Helen Hoenig 和 Nicholas Christakis (2021).Associations of Community Environmental Factors with Elderly Health and Mortality in China, Chapter 17, in: Zeng Y, Lu JH, Lei XY and Shi XM (eds), Trends and Determinants of Healthy Aging in China. 2021, New York: Springer Nature Publisher (in press).

31) Zeng, Yi and Lingguo Cheng (2021). Effects of Interactions between Environmental and Genetic Factors on Healthy Aging: A Review on the Relevant Prior Research, Chapter 18, in: Zeng Y, Lu JH, Lei XY and Shi XM (eds), Trends and Determinants of Healthy Aging in China. 2021, New York: Springer Nature Publisher (in press).

32) Zeng, Yi (2021). Implementing the Universal Two & Three Child Policy is Largely Beneficial for Facing the Serious Challenges of Population Aging in China, Chapter 27, in: Zeng Y, Lu JH, Lei XY and Shi XM (eds), Trends and Determinants of Healthy Aging in China. 2021, New York: Springer Nature Publisher (in press).

33) Zeng, Yi and Angang Hu (2021). Integrate Administrations of Health, Family Planning, and Population Aging to Promote Well-being of Billions of Families, Chapter 28, in: Zeng Y, Lu JH, Lei XY and Shi XM (eds), Trends and Determinants of Healthy Aging in China. 2021, New York: Springer Nature Publisher (in press).

34) Zeng, Yi (2021). Closing Remarks: Further Study Prospects, in: Zeng Y, Lu JH, Lei XY and Shi XM (eds), Trends and Determinants of Healthy Aging in China. 2021, New York: Springer Nature Publisher (in press).

1.4. Mainly Editor-Reviewed Academic Articles Published in North America or Europe

1)Zeng,Yi*. 1985. “A Demographic Profile of Family in China.” (Het Chinese gezin in demografisch perspectief) Demos, April, 1985, Netherlands Interuniversity Demographic Institute.

2)Zeng,Yi*. 1986. “Family Status Life Table: An Extension of Bongaarts' Nuclear Family Model.” Working paper of Netherlands Interuniversity Demographic Institute (NIDI), No. 70.

3)Zeng,Yi*. 1986. “Fertility and Family Dynamics in China.” Working paper of Interuniversity Program in Demography, Brussels Free University. No. 86-6, Brussels.

4)Zeng,Yi*. 1989. “A Model of Family Status Life Table and Its Application.” English version of Chinese Journal of Population Science 1: 77-94, published in the U.S. by Allerton Press, Inc.

5)Zeng,Yi*. 1989. “A Policy in Transition.” People, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1989.

6)Zeng,Yi* 1989. “Population Trends in China: A New Challenge.” Pp. 197-196 in Media Standards and Journalistic Accountability, Proceedings of the Ninth World Media Conference, March 22-25, 1989, published by World Media Association.

7)Zeng,Yi. 1990*. “An Analysis of Changing Trends in China's Urban and Rural Households.” English version of Chinese Journal of Population Science 2: 187-200, published in the U.S.by Allerton Press, Inc.

8)Zeng,Yi. 1991*. “A Comparative Study of Family Dynamics in Rural and Urban Areas in China.” In Fertility in China, Pp. 467-486. Published by the International Statistical Institute (ISI). The Hague: ISI.

9)Zeng,Yi*, Li Xiaoli and Ma Zhongdong. 1991. “The Trend and the Model Schedule of Leaving the Parental Home after Marriage in China.” In Fertility in China, Pp. 421-450. Published by International Statistical Institute (ISI). The Hague: ISI.

10)Zeng,Yi*, Li Xiaoli and Ma Zhongdong. 1991. “A Chinese Female Postnuptial Leaving Home Model--A Procedure for Analysing Main Parameters α and β in the Setting up, Testing and Estimation of the Model.” English version of Chinese Journal of Population Science 3: 205-18 published in the U.S. by Allerton Press, Inc.

11)Zeng,Yi*, T. Paul Schultz and Wang Deming. 1992. “An Event History Analysis of Divorce in China.” Economic Growth Center Discussion paper, No. 675, Yale University.

12)Zeng,Yi*, Li Wei, and Liang Zhiwu. 1992. “The Status, Regional Differences, and Trend of Chinese Family Structure.” English version of Chinese Journal of Population Science 4: 263-84, published in the U.S. by Allerton Press, Inc.

13)Zeng,Yi*. 1993. “Some Important Issues of Population and Sustainable Development in China.” In English version of the Proceedings of International Workshop on China's Agenda in 21st Century.

14)Jiang Zhenghua and Yi Zeng*. 1994. “Changes in Household Size and Structure in China.”China Population Today. 11 (6): 5-8.

1.5.Manuscripts written in English, not published but have been used in teachings of courses and training workshops

1)Zeng,Yi. 1996. Methods and Applications of Demographic Analysis. (Note: Yi Zeng used this unpublished text book manuscript to teach a demographic method course in English for Chinese and foreign graduate students at Peking University from 1992 to 1996; the faculty members at Peking University have been using it since 1996).

2)Zeng,Yi and Wang Zhenglian. 1998. “ProFamy: a New Method and User-Friendly Computer Software for Family Household Projection.” Different versions of this manuscript was presented, demonstrated, and used for training workshops on “Family Household Projections”, at: (1) Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR), Rostock, Germany, July 26 - August 2, 1998; (2) the Summer School jointly organized by the International Union for Scientific Studies of Population and MPIDR in Rostock, Germany, July, 2005; (3) Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute at Austrialian National University, Dec.6-7, 2007;(4) Demography Department and Population Studies Center of University of Campinas, Brazil, Sept. 26-30, 2016.

1.6 Research reports written in English specially invited and submitted to the U.S. Census Bureau

1.Zeng Yi and Zhenglian Wang. 2002. “U.S. Households Projection by Race Using Demographic Rates as Input --Primary Progress Report,” Report No. 1 submitted to the Census Bureau.

2.Zeng Yi, Chingli Yang, Zhenglian Wang, and Philip Morgan. 2002. “Marital Status Transitions and Fertility in the United States -- Occurrence/Exposure Rates and Frequencies of Marital Status Transitions & Marital and Non-Marital Fertility by Race, Age, and Parity in Periods 1970-1996, and Cohorts born since 1920,” Report No. 2 submitted to the Census Bureau.

3.Zeng Yi and Zhenglian Wang. 2002. “Projection of U.S. Households by Race,” Report No. 3 submitted to the Census Bureau.

2.Publications written in Chinese and published in China

2.1.Books written in Chinese and published in China

1) Zeng,Yi and Wang Zhenglian. 1990. Chinese version of the User's Manual and Software of "FAMY" --- A PC Computer program for Family Status Life Table Analysis. Beijing: Peking University Press.

2) Zeng,Yi. 1993. Methods and Application of Demographic Analysis. Beijing: Peking University Press.

3) Zeng,Yi. 1994. China's Population Trends and Strategies. Beijing: Peking University Press.

4) Zeng,Yi and Guo Zhiguang et al. 1994. Translation of a book originally written in English by Bongaartz et al: Family Demography: the models and applications. Beijing: Peking University Press.

5) Zeng,Yi, et al. 1995. Divorce in the 1980s in China. Beijing: Peking University Press.

6) Zha Ruichuan, Yi Zeng, and Guo Zhigang (eds.). 1996. Analysis of the Data of the 1990 National Census in China (Two volumes). Beijing: Higher Education Press.

7) Zhang Chunyuan and Yi Zeng (eds.). 1996. Market Demography. Beijing: Peking University Press.

8) Zeng,Yi, Liu Yuzhi, Zhang Chunyuan, and Xiao Zhenyu (eds.). 2004. Analysis on Determinants of Healthy Longevity. Beijing: Peking University Press.

9) Zeng,Yi. 2004. Analysis on Chinese Population. Beijing: Peking University Press.

10) Zeng, Yi, Gu, Danan, Xiao Zhenyu, and Tao Liqun (eds.). 2005. Graph Collections of Healthy Longevity in China. Beijing: China Population Publishing House (in both Chinese and English).

11) Zeng,Yi, Li Ling, Gu Baochang, and Lin Yifu (eds.). 2006. 21st Century Population and Economic Development in China. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press of China.

12) Zeng, Yi, Gu Baochang, and Guo Zhigang (eds.). 2010. Population and Economic Development in China under the low fertility. Beijing: Peking University Press.

13) Zeng, Yi (ed.) 2010. Research on Elderly Population, Family, Health and Care Needs/Costs. Beijing: Sciences Press.

14) Yi Zeng (ed.). 2010. “Demography" volume of the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) (www.eolss.net), coordinated by the UNESCO-EOLSS Committee. Published by Oxford: EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd., Chinese version translated by Ma Li, Jiang Weiping,Liu Hongyan, Guo Weiming and academically checked by Y.C. You and Gu Baochang et al., Beijing, China Population Press, 2010.

15) Zeng,Yi, Zhang Zhen, Gu Danan and Zheng Zhenzhen. 2011. Methods and Application of Demographic Analysis (Second Edition). Beijing: Peking University Press (This book received the award for the text books by Excellent Educators and renowned researchers from Beijing Municipal Education Commission).

16) Zeng, Yi, Baochang Gu, Jianzhang Liang, Zhigang Guo (eds.) 2013. Fertility Policy Adjustment and Development in China. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press (China).

17) Zeng, Yi, Jiehua Lu, Xiaoyan Lei and Xiaoming Shi (eds.) 2018. Healthy Aging in China: Trends and Determinants. Beijing: Science Press. -- Based on anonymous peer-review and experts committee’s evaluations, this book was selected as part of the “National Philosophy and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievements Library”, which is the highest books honor of Philosophy and Social Sciences in China.

18) Zeng, Yi (ed.) (2021). Influencing Factors and Effective Interventions for Healthy Aging in China. Science Press, Beijing, forthcoming. This book is selected as part of the China’s National Key Publications Program, supported by Chinese National Publication Funds.

19) Zheng, Zhenzhen, Xiaomin Shi, Xiaoyan Lei and Yi Zeng (eds.) 2021. Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey and the Database Development, Science Press, Beijing, forthcoming. This book is selected as part of the China’s National Key Publications Program, supported by Chinese National Publication Funds.

20) Zeng, Yi (ed.) 2021. The Innovative Multistate Methods for Household and Living Arrangement Projections and Applications, Science Press, Beijing, in press. This book is selected as part of the China’s National Key Publications Program, supported by Chinese National Publication Funds.

2.2. Professional articles written in Chinese and published in peer-reviewed academic journals in China

1) Zeng, Yi*. 1982. “The Rise of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau and the Evolution of Chinese Natural Environment.” Journal of Geographic Teaching (Dili Jiaoxue). No.2, 1982, Shanghai Education Press.

2) Zeng, Yi*. 1987. “Method of Constructing Multi-state Life Tables and Application to the Study of Nuptiality of Chinese Women.” Population Research (Renkou Yanjiu). No. 3, 1987.

3) Zeng, Yi*. 1987. “How the Drop in Birth Rates Is Expected to Affect Chinese Family Structure.” Academic Journal of Peking University (Philosophy and Social Science) (Beijing Daxue Xuebao), No. 4, 1987.

4) Zeng, Yi*. 1987. “Impact of Urbanization on the Population Growth.” Population and Economics, No.6, 1987.

5) Zeng,Yi*. 1987. “Changes in Family Structure in the U.S.A. Since the 1960s.” Young Geographers (Qingnian Dilixuejia). Vol. 3, No. 3, 1987.

6) Zeng, Yi*. 1988. “Impact of Demographic Changes on the Family Status of Women.”

Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), No. 1, 1988, pp.1-13.

7) Zeng, Yi*. 1988. “A Very Active Field of Demography - Family Demography.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), No. 6, 1988.

8) Zeng, Yi. 1989. “An Analysis on the Trends of Family Changes in Rural and Urban China.”

Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkuo Kexue), No. 6, 1989.

9) Zeng, Yi* and Li Xiaoli. 1990. “Changes in Family Life Course and Family Structure in Rural Areas of Hunan and Shanxi Provinces.” Population and Economics (Renkou yu Jingji). No. 2, 1990.

10) Zeng,Yi*. 1990. “Socio-economic Strategies for Controlling Population Growth and Improving Quality of Life.” Population Dynamics (Renkou Dongtai), No. 3, 1990.

11) Jiang, Zhenghua, Zeng Yi, Wang, Shengjin. 1990. “The Introduction and Comments on Main Branches of Applied Demography. Population Dynamics (Renkou Dongtai), No.6, 1990.

12) Zeng, Yi, Tu Ping, Guo Liu, and Xie Ying. 1991. “Demographic Analysis on the Causes of the Recent Increase in Crude Birth Rates in the Whole Country and 30 Provinces of China.” Population Research (Renkou Yanjiu), No.1, 1991.

13) Zeng, Yi*, Li Xiaoli and Ma Zhongdong. 1991. “The Model of Leaving the Parental Home After Marriage and a Method for Estimating Its Main Parameters.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), No. 1, 1991.

14) Zeng, Yi*. 1991. “The Impact of Population Urbanization on Future Population Development.” Population Journal, No.2, 1991.

15) Zeng,Yi* and J. Vaupel. 1991. “Several Problems in the Future Process of Population Development in China.” Journal of Chinese Social Sciences (Zhongguo Shehui Kexue), No. 3, 1991.

16) Zeng, Yi*. 1991. “The effect of Gradually Increasing Women’s Mean Age at Birth on China’s Population Development” Population and Economics (Renkou yu Jingji). 1991, No. 2. pp. 3- 10.

17) Zeng, Yi*, Li Xiaoli, Jia Tongjin and Yang Rizhang. 1991. “The Pattern of Co-residence at the Time of First Marriage and Leaving the Parental Home After Marriage in China.” Population Dynamics (Renkou Dongtai), No.3, 1991.

18) Zeng, Yi*, Qiu, Peiling. 1992. “Late Marriage and Late Child-Bearing is Accessible only if the Leader Paid High Attention and the Measures were Appropriate.” Population Journal. No. 6, 1992.

19) Zeng,Yi*, Li Wei and Liang Zhiwu. 1992. “Current Status, Regional Differentials and Dynamic Trends of Family Structure in China.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), Vol. 2, 1992.

20) Zeng, Yi*. 1992. “The Methods and Application of Estimating Age at First Marriage and the Birth Intervals Using Census Data.” Population and Economic (Renkou yu Jingji), Vol. 3, 1992.

21) Zeng, Yi*.1993. “The Current Status and Trends of Changes of Marriage and Families in Eastern China: Analysis based on the 3rd and 4th Census Data.” Population (Renkou), No. 1, 1993.

22) Zeng, Yi*, Gu Baochang, Tu Ping, Xu Yi, Li Boha, Li Youngping. 1993. “Causes and Implications of High Sex Ratios.” Population and Economics (Renkou yu Jingji), No. 1, 1993.

23) Zeng, Yi*, Cai Wenmei and Song Jinan. 1993. “The Need and Feasibility of Promoting Late Marriage and Late Birth -- Lessons From the Chang Ping Survey.” Population and Family Planning (Renkou yu Jihuashengyu), No. 2, 1993.

24) Zeng, Yi*, T. Paul Schultz, and Wang Deming. 1993. “Divorce Analysis in Shanghai, Shanxi, and Hebei.” Population Research (Renkou Yanjiu), No. 5, 1993.

25) Zeng, Yi*. 1993. “Necessity and Feasibility of Establishing the Old Age Insurance System in Rural China.” Population and Family Planning (Renkou yu Jihuashengyu) , No. 6, 1993, pp. 43-47.

26) Zeng, Yi*. 1994. “Applied Demography and Market Economy.” Population and Economics (Renkou yu Jingji), No. 2, 1994.

27) Zeng, Yi*. 1994. “Reforming the Old Age Insurance System: A Case Study in Hainan.”Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), 1994, No. 2, pp. 1-5.

28) Zeng, Yi*. 1995. “Managing Socio-Economics and Serving People: Applied Demographic Studies.” Market and Demographic Analysis (Shichang Yu Renkou Fenxi), Vol. 1, No. 1.

29) Zeng, Yi*. 1995. “Has China's Fertility in 1991 and 1992 Fallen Below the Replacement Level?” Population Research (Renkou Yanjiu), Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 7-14.

30) Zeng, Yi* and Wang Deming. 1995. “A Study on Female Remarriage in Shanghai Municipality, Shanxi and Hebei Provinces.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), No. 5 issue of 1995, pp. 11-16.

31) Zeng, Yi* and Wu Deqing. 1995. “Trends of Changes in Divorce Rate and Its Age Distribution in the 1980s in China.” Journal of Chinese Social Sciences (Zhongguo Shehui Kexue), No. 6 issue of 1995, pp. 71-82.

32) Zeng, Yi*. 1995. “Population Control and Financial Policies.” Financial Research (Caizheng Yanjiu), No. 11, 1995.

33) Zeng, Yi*. 1997. “It is not Appropriate to Officially State that Rural Elderly Should Mainly Rely on Family.” Population Research (Renkou Yanjiu), No. 6, 1997.

34) Zeng, Yi* and T. Paul Schultz. 1998. “Impacts of Rural Household Responsibility System Reform on Fertility in China.” Journal of Chinese Social Sciences (Zhongguo Shehui Kexue), No. 1, 1998.

35) Zeng, Yi*, James W. Vaupel and Wang Zhenglian. 1998. “Development and Application ofa Multi-dimensional Model for Family Households and Population Projection.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), No. 5, 1998, pp. 1-17.

36) Zeng, Yi*. 1998. “Information and Considerations of New Trends in International Population Studies.” Population Research (Renkou Yanjiu), Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 11-13.

37) Ren, Qiang*, Zeng, Yi.2001. “Face the challenge of ageing world.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), No. 6, 2001.

38) Gu Dannan*, Yi Zeng, and Liu Yuzhi. 2001. “A Review on Methods in Calculating the Healthy Life Expectancy.” Market & Population Analysis (Shichang yu Renkoufenxi), No.4.

39) Ren, Qiang*, GR DeLong Yi Zeng and Xiaoying Zheng. 2001. “The Effect of Iodine Supplementation to the Environment on Socio-economy and Population in Xinjiang: Structural Equation Model.” Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine (Zhonghua Yufang Yixue Zazhi) Vol.35 (Suppl.): 67-74.

40) Gu Danan*, Yi Zeng. 2001. “The Analysis of the Grades of Membership of the Oldest Old in China. Special Issue of Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), 2001.

41) Zeng, Yi*, Xiao Zhenyu, Zhang Chunyuan, Liu Yuzhi, and James W. Vaupel. 2001. “Healthy Longevity Survey (1998) and Active Life Expectancy of the Oldest Old in China.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), No. 3, 2001.

42) Zeng, Yi*. 2001. “Main Features of Population Aging and Policy Considerations in China.”P(pán)opulation and Economics (Renkou yu Jingji) No. 5, 2001.

43) Zeng, Yi*. 2001. “Integrating Old Age Insurance and Family Planning Quality Services/ Synthetical Reform in Rural China.” Population Research (Renkou Yanjiu), No. 6, 2001.

44) Gu Danan* and Yi Zeng. 2002. “Healthy Life Expectancy of the Oldest Old in China Based on Grade of Membership.” Population & Economics (Renkou yu Jingji), No.2

45) Zeng, Yi* and Gu Danan. 2001. “Review on the latest international studies about quality of life of the Elderly.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), No.5, 2002.

46) Zeng, Yi*. 2002. “Theoretical base, necessity and feasibility of an integrated program of rural family planning and old age security.” Population and Family Planning (Renkou yu Jihuashengyu). No. 5, 2002.

47) Zeng, Yi*. 2002. “Integration of family planning and old age security in rural China needs to go ahead.” Population and Family Planning (Renkou yu Jihuashengyu). No. 5, 2002.

48) Zeng, Yi*. 2004. “New Progress and Perspectives of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), special issue. 2004.

49) Zeng, Yi*, Liu Yuzhi, Zhang Chunyuan, Xiao Zhenyu. 2004. “Socioeconomic and Health Status of the Oldest-Old in China.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), specila issue, 2004.

50) Gu, Danan* and Zeng,Yi. 2004. “Disability Dynamics and Socioeconomic Characteristics among Chinese Oldest-Old.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), specila issue, 2004.

51) Zeng, Yi*. 2004. “Comments, Test, and Sensitivity Analysis on the Bongaarts-Feeney Method.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue). No. 1, 2004.

52) Gu, Danan* and Yi Zeng. 2004. “Socio-Demographic Effects on ADL Dynamics among Chinese Oldest-old.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), Special issue, Pp. 14-21.

53) Zeng, Yi* and James W. Vaupel. 2004. “Late Childbearing and Healthy Longevity.”P(pán)opulation Research (Renkou Yanjiu), No. 2, 2004.

54) Zeng,Yi* and James W. Vaupel. 2004. “Mortality at Oldest Old Ages in China and a Comparison to Sweden and Japan.” Population and Economics (Renkou yu Jingji), No. 3, 2004.

55) Zeng, Yi* and Zhenglian Wang. 2004. “Dynamic of Family and Living Arrangement of the Elderly in China: Lessons Learned from the 2000 Census.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue). No. 5, 2004.

56) Zeng, Yi*. 2005. “Population Aging, Pension Deficits and Old Age Insurance Program in China”. Economic Quarterly (Jingjixue Jikan). No. 3, 2005, Pp. 1043-1066.

57) Zeng,Yi*. 2005. “Smooth Transition to the Two-Child Policy Using Late-Childbearing as A Lever.” Population and Economic (Renkou yu Jingji). No. 2, 2005.

58) Zeng,Yi*. 2006. “State managed old age insurance system and population security.” China Social Security (Zhongguo Shehui Baozhang) . 2006, No. 8: 22-23.

59) Zeng,Yi*. 2006. A Soft-landing with the two-child-late-birth policy: need and feasibility.Social Sciences of China (Zhongguo Shehui Kexue), Issue 58, 2006, No. 2: 93-109.

60) Gu, Danan* and Yi Zeng. 2006. “Changes of Disability in Activities of Daily Living among the Chinese Elderly from 1992 to 2002.” Population & Economics (Renkou yu Jingji). 2006 No. 4: 9-13.

61) Zeng,Yi*, Danan Gu, and Ken Land, 2007. “Extension of the Method for Estimating the Health Life Expectancy and Application to the Chinese Oldest-Old.” Chinese Journal of Population Science (Zhongguo Renkou Kexue), No. 6, 2007.

62) Gu, Danan; Liu, Yuzhi; Zhang, Yingxin; Ren, Hong; and Zeng, Yi. 2007. “Analysis of number of days needing full-time care before dying among the Chinese elderly.” Population and Economics (Renkou yu Jingji), No.6. pp. 51-58 (in Chinese)

63) Gu, Danan*; Zeng, Yi; Liu, Yuzhi; and Zeng, Xianxin. 2007. “Frailty Index and Its Association with Suffering Death.” Population Research (Renkou Yanjiu), 5, 35-41.

64) Zeng, Yi*, 2009. “Past, Present and Future of Demography.” Population Research (Renkou Yanjiu), 2009, No. 5 (this article was selected and fully transshipped as an important academic review by Xinhua Digest, 2009 (24); Xinhua Digest is the most prestigious Digest in China).

65) Jiang, Cheng, Danan Gu, Yuzhi Liu, Yi Zeng, 2009*. “Care costs analysis of the Chinese elderly – a multistate life table method.” Population Research (Renkou Yanjiu), 2009, No. 3.

66) Zeng, Yi*. 2009. “Soft-landing of the two-child plus spacing policy is helpful to resolve the problems of high sex ratio at birth in China.” Journal of Social Science (Shehui Kexue), No.8, 2009, Pp. 54-59.

67) Zeng,Yi*. 2009. “Chinese fertility policy urgently needs soft-landing transition.” SocialScience Weekly, issues of Jan. 15 and Jan. 22, 2009 (continuously published in two issues).

68) Zeng, Yi and Wang Zhenglian.2010. "Projection and strategy analysis on the aging of households in the Eastern, Middle and Western regions of China in the 21th century", Population and Economics (Renkou yu Jingji), 2010 (2). (In Chinese).

69) Shi, Xiaoming and Yi Zeng. 2010. “Strengthening the healthy aging research to face the challenge of population aging”, Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine (Zhonghua Yufang Yixue Zazhi), 2010, 44 (2) (In Chinese)

70) Shi, Xiaoming*, Zhaoxue Yin, Hanzhu Qian, Yi Zhai, Yuzhi Liu, Jianwei Xu, Yi Zeng*.2010. “An analysis on chronic diseases and the relevant health indicators of centenarians in the longevity areas in China”, Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine (Zhonghua Yufang Yixue Zazhi), 2010, 44 (2). P.101-107. (In Chinese).

71) Yin, Zhaoxue, Xiaoming Shi*, Jianwei Xu, Yi Zhai, Yuzhi Liu, Yi Zeng*.2010. “The levels of superoxide dismutase and malondialdehyde in the serum of long-life people aged 90+ in longevity areas in China: status and determinants”, Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine (Zhonghua Yufang Yixue Zazhi), 2010, 44 (2), P.123-127. (In Chinese).

72) Xu, Jianwei, Xiaoming Shi*, Zhaoxue Yin, Yuzhi Liu, Yi Zhai, Yi Zeng*. 2010. “A analysis of the plasma trace element levels of long-life people aged 90+ in longevity areas in China”, Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine (Zhonghua Yufang Yixue Zazhi), 2010, 44 (2),p.119-122. (In Chinese).

73) Zhai, Yi, Zhaoxue Yin, Jianwei Xu, Yi Zeng*, Yuzhi Liu, Xiaoming Shi*. 2010 “The anemia of the oldest-old aged 80+ in longevity areas in China: status and determinants”, Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine (Zhonghua Yufang Yixue Zazhi), 2010, 44 (2),p115-118. (In Chinese).

74) Zeng, Yi* and Ke Shen. 2010. “A analysis on the multi-dimensional health indicators of the

elderly in China”, Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine (Zhonghua Yufang Yixue Zazhi), 2010, 44 (2) (In Chinese).

75) Xu, Jian-wei, Zhai Yi, Yin Zhao-xue, Shi Xiao-ming*, Liu Yu-zhi and Zeng Yi*.2010.“Analysis of the prevalence and affecting factors of hyperuricemia in middle and old aged people in longevity areas of China.” Chinese Journal of Rheumatology (Zhonghua Fengshibing Zazhi). 2011,15(3):155-158.

76) Xu, Jian-Wei, Shi Xiao-Ming*, Chen Liang, Chui Yi, Yin Zhaoxue, Liu Yuzhi, Zeng Yi*. 2011.“Epidemiological study of chronic kidney disease of centenarians in longevity area in China”, Chinese Journal of Gerontology (Zhongguo Laonianxue Zazhi), 2011, 7(31): 2530- 2533.

77) Xu, Jian-wei, Yin Zhao-xue, Shi Xiao-ming1*, Zhai Yi, Liu Yu-zhi, Zeng Yi*. 2011. “Association between serum uric acid and triglyceride in middle age and elderly population”, Journal of Shanxi Medical University (Shanxiyikedaxue Xuebao), 2011(07), 42(7): 562-565.

78) Zhai, Yi, Shi Xiao-ming*, Qian Han-zhu, Simon Michael Fitzgerald, Zeng Yi,Yin Zhao-xue, Xu Jian-wei and Liu Yu-zhi.2011.“Association of anemia with cognition among senior female in China.” Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine (Zhonghua Yufang Yixue Zazhi),2011,45(9):802-805.

79) Xu Jian-wei,Chen Liang, Shi Xiao-ming*, Yin Zhao-xue,Zhai Yi, Liu Yu-zhi and Zeng Yi.2011.“Association study of risk factors for cardiovascular disease with chronic kidney disease in longevity areas.”Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Preventation (Zhonghua Jibing Kongzhi Zazhi), 2011, 15(12):1011-1013.

80) Zeng, Yi*. 2011. “A review on international trends in interdisciplinary research of factors affecting healthy aging”, Chinese Science Bulletin (Kexue Tongbao), 2011, 56(35): 2929- 2940.

81) Xu, Jian-wei,Shi Xiao-ming,Zhai Yi,Yin Zhao-xue,Liu Yu-zhi and Zeng Yi.“Association between serum uric acid and early kidney damage in middle-aged and elderly in longevity areas.”Modern Preventive Medicine (Xiandai Yufang Yixue), 2012, 39(18):4643-4645.

82) Yin, Zhao-xue,Shi Xiao-ming,Xu Jian-wei,Zhai Yi,Liu Yu-zhi and Zeng Yi.“Study on lifestyle and biomarkers of centenarian in longevity areas in China.” Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention (Zhonghua Jibing Kongzhi Zazhi), 2012, 16(6):490-494.

83) Yin, Zhao-xue,Shi Xiao-ming,Zeng Yi ,Zhai Yi, Xu Jian-wei, and Liu Yu-zhi. “Study of multi- dimension effect factors of activities of daily life in the oldest old.” Geriatrics & Health Care (Laonian Yixue yu Baojian), 2012, 18(2):87-90,93.

84) Yin, Zhao-xue,Shi Xiao-ming, Xu Jian-wei, Zhai Yi, Liu Yu-zhi and Zeng Yi.2012. “Association between the hypersensitive C-reactive protein and diabetes in the senile elders,” Chinese Journal of Diabetes (Zhongguo Tangniaobing Zazhi),2012,20(5):332-335.

85) Zeng, Yi*. 2012. “ Interdisciplinary research on healthy aging: Social, behavioral, environmental, genetic factors and their interactions”, Chinese Journal of Health Policy (Zhongguo Weisheng Zhengce Yanjiu), February 2012, Vol. 5, No.2.

86) Zeng,Yi*. 2012. Universal two-child policy is a win-win option for citizens and the nation.

Social Observation (Shehui Guancha), No. 9, 2012. (Cover page article).

87) Zeng, Yi, Chen Huashuai and Wang Zhenglian.2012.“Analysis on Trends of Future Home- based Care Needs and Costs for Elderly in China,” Economic Research, 2012, No. 10.

88) Zeng, Yi*.2013. Considering current population policy in China. Administration Reform (Xingzheng Guanli Gaige), 2013, No. 5: 24-31.

89) Chen, Huashuai and Zeng Yi. 2013. Who benefits more from The New Rural Society Endowment Insurance Program in China: Elderly or Their Adult Children? Economic Research (Jingji Yanjiu), 2013, 8:55-67.

90) Zeng, Yi*. 2013. Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey -- to Facilitate Deeper Research and Better Policy for Healthy Aging (I). Scientific Research on Aging (Laoling kexue Yanjiu), 1: 65-72.

91) Zeng, Yi*. 2013. Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey -- to Facilitate Deeper Research and Better Policy for Healthy Aging (II). Scientific Research on Aging (Laoling kexue Yanjiu), 2:63-71.

92) Zeng, Yi*. 2013. Universal two-child policy and promoting adequate late childbearing.Finance, No. 365, 2013/08/19.

93) Zeng, Yi*.2013.Open two-child policy as soon as possible. Yinda Banking. 2013, No. 9: 51- 52.

94) Zeng, Yi*. 2013. Optimizing the fertility policy adjustment. Finance, No. 370, 2013/10/07.

95) Zeng, Yi*. 2013. Unchanged fertility policy would danmage the great programs of Chinese revive. Shanghai Economics (Shanghai Jingji).

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107) Zeng, Yi, Hangang Hu (2017),Integrate administrations of health, family planning, and population aging, to promote well-being of billions families,Population and Economics(Renkou yu Jingji),223 (04):36~42.

108) Zeng, Yi (2018). Encouraging Couples to Have Two Children Would Not Only Benefit the Country and People But Also Helpful for China to Ensure Food Security. Science & Technology for Development. Vol. 14, No. 1: 7-16.

109) Zeng, Yi (2021), Improving population policy and promoting family patterns of respecting the aged, caring for the young and intergenerational assistance. Science & Technology Review, 39(3).