
  • 電子郵箱:jyang@bimba.pku.edu.cn

楊壯教授為校友學(xué)院發(fā)展基金講席教授、北大國家發(fā)展研究院BiMBA商學(xué)院特別顧問(wèn)、DPS管理博士項目學(xué)術(shù)主任、CHO100學(xué)術(shù)顧問(wèn)。他的研究涉及組織行為學(xué)、國際化領(lǐng)導力等領(lǐng)域,他以西方管理學(xué)理論與方法為基礎,結合中國的新現象、新問(wèn)題,致力于跨國公司中國戰略和中國企業(yè)國際化的相關(guān)研究,已在國外重要管理雜志上發(fā)表學(xué)術(shù)論文十多篇,并在國內主要商務(wù)期刊上開(kāi)創(chuàng )跨文化管理和領(lǐng)導力專(zhuān)欄。教學(xué)方面,楊壯博士教授“領(lǐng)導者的自我認知與領(lǐng)導力”課程,多次被學(xué)員評為“最有收獲的課程”、“最啟發(fā)思考的課程”和“最實(shí)用的課程”;全面領(lǐng)導北大國家發(fā)展研究院的國際游學(xué)課程項目,至今已帶領(lǐng)學(xué)員游歷包括美國、德國、日本、臺灣等在內的二十多個(gè)國家與地區,在對各國歷史文化、政治制度、社會(huì )組織、經(jīng)濟金融等領(lǐng)域細致考察的基礎上,深度反思其興衰的理路及對中國企業(yè)、中國社會(huì )發(fā)展的啟示。

  • 北大國發(fā)院返聘教授、校友學(xué)院發(fā)展基金講席教授、國家發(fā)展研究院BiMBA商學(xué)院特別顧問(wèn)
  • 管理學(xué)基礎,組織行為學(xué),人力資源管理,組織創(chuàng )新與文化變革,國際化領(lǐng)導力,跨國公司運作與管理
  • 領(lǐng)導力、管理學(xué)基礎與組織行為學(xué)、國際化管理、領(lǐng)導力的國際觀(guān)察體驗與反思

1)Feb., 2005 Managing in an age of complexity: quantum skills for the new millennium. With Professor Charlotte Shelton of Rockhurst University, Helzberg School of Management and Tony Liu of Peking University. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management (Volume 23, No.2 2005)
2)Nov. 2004 Preface to the book, Chinese edition “Successful Mergers, acquisitions and Strategic Alliances—how to bridge corporate cultures” by Charles Gancel, Irene Rodgers and Marc Raynaud, published by The McGraw-Hill companies, 2005
3)Jun-Aug, 2004 Key Factors Influencing HRM Practices of Overseas Subsidiaries in China’s Transition Economy. With Professors of John Farley of Dartmouth College/China-Europe International Business School and Scott Hoenig of Fordham University GBA. International Journal of Human Resource Management June-August (2004)
4)Sept 2002 U.S. and Japanese Personnel Management Features and their implications to Chinese Firms (in Chinese). From: Elite Forum, 2nd Volume, collection of speeches delivered on Hong Kong’s Pheonix TV station, on the most up-to-date and burning issues in Chinese economic reforms. Published by the Liao Ning People’s Publisher.
5)Mar/Apr, 1999 When MNCs Come, Who Changes Whom? With Professors of John Farley of Dartmouth College/China-Europe International Business School and Scott Hoenig of Fordham University GBA. China Business Review (CBR), March/Apirl (1999).
6)Mar, 1999 Influences on MNC Strategies and performance in China. Advances in Chinese Industrial Studies, Vol. 6, JAI, Spring (1999).
7)Feb, 1999 The Evolving Face of Chinese Consumers- What Will They Want Next?With Professors of John Farley of Dartmouth College/China-Europe International Business School and Scott Hoenig of Fordham University GBA. Harvard China Review , Winter issue (1999).
8)Feb, 1999 Human Resource Management Strategies of U.S. and Japanese Firms and their relevance to Chinese companies (in Chinese). Comparative Economic and Social Systems, a leading Chinese research journal on critical issues of economics and business in China, No.2 (1999).