
  • 電話(huà):010-5887 6178

劉國恩,北大博雅特聘教授、北大中國衛生經(jīng)濟研究中心主任、北大全球健康發(fā)展研究院院長(cháng)、教育部經(jīng)濟學(xué)長(cháng)江學(xué)者特聘教授。他曾任職美國南加州大學(xué),美國北卡大學(xué)(終身職),北大光華管理學(xué)院(教授)。曾任中國留美經(jīng)濟學(xué)會(huì )主席,國際藥物經(jīng)濟學(xué)會(huì )亞太聯(lián)合會(huì )首任主席。劉國恩教授目前還擔任國務(wù)院國家醫改專(zhuān)家咨詢(xún)委員會(huì )委員,中國醫學(xué)科學(xué)院學(xué)部委員,國際健康經(jīng)濟學(xué)英文學(xué)術(shù)期刊《Health Economics》(SCI)副主編。

  • 北大國發(fā)院退休教授、北大全球健康發(fā)展研究院院長(cháng)
  • 健康與發(fā)展經(jīng)濟學(xué),國家醫療體制改革,以及醫藥經(jīng)濟學(xué)
  • 管理經(jīng)濟學(xué)

Robert Burns (Wharton School) and Gordon G Liu (Peking University), China's Healthcare System and Reform, Cambridge University Press, 2017


國家自然科學(xué)基金重點(diǎn)項目 (2019-2024)


劉國恩,課題組長(cháng)(PI),北京大學(xué)國家發(fā)展研究院;合作單位:國家衛生健康委員會(huì )科學(xué)技術(shù)研究所;中國人民大學(xué)


Zhou Q., et al., “Urban-Rural Health Insurance Integration in China: Impact on Health Care Utilization, Financial Risk Protection, and Health Status,” Applied Economics, 2021, forthcoming.

Liu GG., Huang ZY., and Xin Q., “Cost-Effectiveness of Oral Antidiabetic Drugs: A Prospective Multicenter Study of Real-World Patients,” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Article ID 9972386, 2021.

何慶紅,趙紹陽(yáng),劉國恩, “醫藥分開(kāi)對醫藥費用和醫療質(zhì)量的影響”.《世界經(jīng)濟》,2021年12月。

Jiang S., et al., “Incorporating future unrelated medical costs in cost-effectiveness analysis in China,” BMJ Global Health, 2021, forthcoming.

Zhou Q., Eggleston K., and Liu GG., “Healthcare Utilization at Retirement in China,” Health Economics, 2021, forthcoming.

李珊珊,岳愛(ài),劉國恩,孫宇,“母親外出務(wù)工對兒童早期發(fā)展的影響研究”, 《勞動(dòng)經(jīng)濟研究》,2021年9卷第2期。

Nie P. et al., “Income-related health inequality among Chinese adults during the COVID-19 pandemic,” International Journal for Equity in Health, 2021, 20, Article number: 106.

Liu GG., TANG CX, et al., “Will high-speed railway influence the healthcare seeking behavior of patients? Quasi-experimental evidence from China,” Health Policy and Planning, 2021.

Myerson R., Liu GG, et al., “The Impact of Government Income Transfers on Tobacco and Alcohol Use: Evidence from China,” Economic Letters, Jan 2020, 186: 108855.

Yao Y., Liu GG, et al., “On-the-job training and organizational performance: Analyses from medical institutions in China,” China Economic Review, April 2020, 60: 101396.

Liu GG., Wu E. et al., “The Development of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) in Asia: Current Status and Future Trends,” Value in Health Regional Issues, May 2020, 21: 39-44.

Wang MX., Liu GG, et al., “The role of mediation committee in solving medical disputes in China,” BMC Health Services Research, 2020, 20, 225.

Zhou Qin, Qin XZ, and Liu GG., “Relative Income and Mental Health among Chinese Adults: Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study,” Review of Development Economics, July 1, 2020.

Chen C., Liu GG., et al., “Health-Related Quality of Life and Associated Factors Among Oldest-Old in China,” J of Nutrition, Health & Aging, January, 2020.

Liu GG. and Chen Xi, “China in transition: health, wealth, and globalization,” The LANCET Public Health, September 2019.

Myerson R., Liu GG, et al., “Cancer Diagnosis and Care among Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China,” BMJ Global Health, 2019;4:e001923.

Koch M., Butt T., Liu GG. et al., “Characteristics and health burden of the undiagnosed population at risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in China,” BMC Public Health, 2019, 19, 1727.

Liu GG., Shepherd J. et al., “Characteristics of Patients with Dyslipidemia Treated in Routine Care Setting in China,” Journal of Drug Assessment, Oct 2019, 8(1):192-198.

Butt T, Liu GG. et al., “Taking stock of cost-effectiveness analysis of healthcare in China,” BMJ Global Health, 2020, 4:e001418.

Yao Y, Liu GG. et al., “Disease and disparity in China: a view from stroke and MI disease,” International J for Equity in Health, June 11, 2020.

Shang P, Liu GG. et al., “Association Between Medication Adherence and 1-year Major Cardiovascular Adverse Events After Acute Myocardial Infarction in China,” JAHA, 2019 May 7;8(9):e011793.

Wang Pei, Liu GG. et al. “Valuation of EQ-5D-5L Health States: A Comparison of Seven Asian Populations,” Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 2019, 19(4).

An RP, Liu GG., et al., “Dietary habits and cognitive impairment risk among oldest-old Chinese," Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 2019, 74(3): 474-483.



王雅楠 ,劉國恩等,“溶栓治療急性心肌梗死的藥物經(jīng)濟學(xué)研究,”《中國藥物經(jīng)濟學(xué)》,2019

Shi J, Yao Y., and Liu GG., “Modeling Individual Healthcare Expenditures in China: Evidence to Assist Payment Reform in Public Insurance,” Health Economics, 2018, 27(12):1945-1962.

Jin XJ., Gerstein HC, Liu GG., et al. “Minimally important difference and predictors of change in quality of life as measured using the EQ-5D among Chinese Type 2 Diabetic Patients: A community-based survey in China,” Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, 2018, July.

Li Hong, Liu GG., et al., “Recent Pricing Negotiations on Innovative Medicines Pilot in China: Experiences, Implications, and Suggestions,” Value in Health Regional Issues, 2018: 133-137.

Jin X, Liu GG, Gerstein HC, Levine MAH, Steve K, Guan H, Li H, Xie F, “Item reduction and validation of the Chinese version of diabetes quality-of-life measure (DQOL),” Health Qual Life Outcomes, 2018, 16:78





Hu XF, Liu GG., and Fan M., “Long-Term Effects of Famine on Chronic Diseases: Evidence from China’s Great Leap Forward Famine,” Health Economics, 2017, 26(7): 922–936.

An RP, Liu GG., et al., “Dietary habits and cognitive impairment risk among oldest-old Chinese," Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 2017, forthcoming.

Liu GG., Vortherms SA., and Hong XZ, “China’s health reform update,” Annual Review of Public Health, 2017, 38: 431-448.

Liu GG., “Building A National Health System,” China Economic Quarterly, 2017, 21(1): 16-23.

Liu GG., et al., “How Much Does Social Status Matter to Longevity? – Evidence from China’s Academician Election,” Health Economics, 2017, 26(3):292-304.

Luo N., Liu GG. Li M., Guan H, Jin X, and Rand-Hendriksen K., “Estimating an EQ-5D-5L value set for China,” Value in Health, 2017 Apr;20(4):662-669.

An RP and Liu GG., “Cognitive Impairment and Mortality among the Oldest-old Chinese," International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2016, 31: 1345–1353.
Hu XF, Liu GG., and Fan M., “Long-Term Effects of Famine on Chronic Diseases: Evidence from China’s Great Leap Forward Famine,” Health Economics, 2016, Jun 16. doi: 10.1002/hec.3371.

Stevens W., Liu GG., et al., “Estimating the future burden of cardiovascular disease and the value of lipid and blood pressure control therapies in China,” BMC Health Services Research, 2016, 16(1):175.

Liu GG., Xue XD., Yu C., Wang YF., “How does social capital matter to the health status of older adults? Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Survey,” Economics and Human Biology, 2016, 22: 177-189.

Zhou Q., Liu GG., Krumholz S., “Is Chinese National Health Insurance Effective in the Face of Severe Illness? A Perspective from Health Service Utilization and Economic Burden,” Social Indicators Research, 2016, 2016: 1-23.

Fan M, Lei Z, and Liu GG., “Discounting of Medical Savings Accounts,” American J of Health Economics, 2016(4): 161-183.

Xuejing Jin., Liu GG., et al., “Is bad living better than good death? Impact of demographic and cultural factors on health state preference,” Quality of Life Research, 2016, 25(4): 979-986.

Zhou Qin, Liu GG. et al., “The Impact of Health Insurance Cost-Sharing Method on Healthcare Utilization in China,” China Journal of Social Work, 2016, 9(1): 38-61.

何泱泱、劉國恩、徐程, “中國職業(yè)隔離與性別工資差異的變化趨勢研究,” 《經(jīng)濟科學(xué)》,2016年第4期。


Pan J., Lei XY, and Liu GG., “Health Insurance and Health Status: Exploring the Causal Effect from A Policy Intervention,” Health Economics, 2016, 25:1389-1402.

Li Q, Liu GG., and Zang WB, “The Health of Left-behind Children in Rural China,” China Economic Review, 2015, 36:367-376.

Wang P, Li MH, Liu GG, Thumboo J., and Luo N, “Do Chinese have similar health-state preferences? A comparison of mainland Chinese and Singaporean Chinese,” European J of Health Economics, 2015 (16): 857–863.

Xu J., Liu GG. et al., “A comparison of outpatient healthcare expenditures between public and private medical institutions in urban China: an instrumental variable approach,” Health Economics, 2015(24): 270-279.


Liu GG., Chen YQ, and Qin XZ., “Transforming rural healthcare through information technology: an interventional study in China,” Health Policy and Planning, 2014 (8): 975-985.

Liu GG., Wu HY., Li MH., Gao C., and Luo N., “Chinese time trade-off values for EQ-5D health states,” Value in Health, 2014 (17): 597–604.



潘杰,劉國恩,尹慶雙,“醫療體制管辦分開(kāi)與服務(wù)供給,”《經(jīng)濟學(xué)報》,2014 (1):33-50.

Liu GG and Krumholz S., “Economics of health transition in China,” The Oxford Companion to the Economics of China, edited by Ravi Kanbur et al., Oxford University Press, 2014.

Qin XQ, Pan J, and Liu GG., “Does participating in health insurance benefit the migrant workers in China? an empirical investigation,” China Economic Review, 2014 (30): 263-278.

DiBonaventura M, Yuan Y, Lescrauwaet B, L'Italien G, Liu GG., “Multicountry burden of chronic hepatitis C viral infection among those aware of their diagnosis: A patient survey,” PLOS ONE, Jan 21, 2014.

黃源,劉國恩,劉躍華等,“精神分裂癥的疾病經(jīng)濟負擔:基于廣州醫保數據的分析,”《中國衛生經(jīng)濟》,2014(5): 62-65.

Wu J., Xu J., Liu GG., “Pharmaceutical pricing: an empirical study of market competition in Chinese hospitals,” PharmacoEconomics, 2014 (32):293-303.


Gao C., Xu F., Liu GG., “Payment reform and changes in health care in China,” Social Science & Medicine, 2014 (111): 10-16.

Chen G, Liu GG., and Xu F., "The impact of the urban resident basic medical insurance in China on health services utilization," PharmacoEconomics, 2014 (32): 277-292.

趙紹陽(yáng),臧文斌,傅十和,劉國恩,“強制醫保制度下無(wú)保險人群的健康狀況研究,”《經(jīng)濟研究》,2013 (7): 118-131.

劉國恩,“踐行三中全會(huì )改革要義: 深化國家醫改,謹防誤讀盲區,”《經(jīng)濟科學(xué)》,2013年第六期。

Li H., Liu GG., Glaetzer C., “Financing innovative medicines in China: the role of commercial health insurance,” Chinese Studies, 2013 (3): 128-133.

Pan J., Liu GG., and Gao C., “How does separating government regulatory and operational control of public hospitals matter to healthcare supply?” China Economic Review, 2013 (27):1–14.

伍紅艷,劉國恩,“生命質(zhì)量量表不同計分方法對評價(jià)結果的影響,”《中國衛生經(jīng)濟》,2013 (8).


Lai W, Hu S., Hou J, Liu GG., “A novel estimation of the impact of treatment with entecavir on long-term mortality, morbidity and healthcare costs of chronic hepatitis B in China,” Value in Health Regional Issues, 2013 (2):48-56.

樊敏杰,劉國恩,李林, “醫療機構產(chǎn)權性質(zhì)對醫療費用的影響,”《中國經(jīng)濟問(wèn)題》,2013 (5):59-69.

劉國恩,官海靜,高晨,“中國社會(huì )辦醫的現狀分析,”《中國衛生政策研究》,2013(6):41-46.

Pan J, Qin X, Liu GG., "The impact of body size on urban employment: evidence from China." China Economic Review, 2013 (27): 249-263

Luo N, Li M, Liu GG et al., “Developing the Chinese version of the new 5-level EQ-5D descriptive system: the response scaling approach,” Quality of Life Research, 2013(4): 885–890.

潘杰,雷曉燕,劉國恩,“醫療保險促進(jìn)健康嗎?”《經(jīng)濟研究》,2013 (4): 130-142.

Qin XZ and Liu GG., “Does the U.S. healthcare safety net discourage private insurance coverage?” European J of Health Economics, 2013 (3): 457-469.

Liu YJ, Xue YJ, Liu GG., and Ma AX., "Development of foreign invested hospitals in China: obstacles and coping strategies," Journal of Hospital Administration, 2013(2): 142-150.

Zhao ZY, Liu GG., et al., “Hospital costs of adverse events in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer,” Journal of Cancer Therapy, 2013 (4): 153-158.

符一男,劉國恩,朱琳,馬愛(ài)霞,“七價(jià)肺炎結合疫苗的藥物經(jīng)濟學(xué)評價(jià),”《中國衛生經(jīng)濟》, 2013(1).

官海靜,劉國恩,熊先軍, “城鎮居民基本醫療保險對住院服務(wù)利用公平性的影響,”《中國衛生經(jīng)濟》,2013(1).

臧文斌,趙紹陽(yáng),劉國恩,“城鎮基本醫療保險中逆向選擇的檢驗,”《經(jīng)濟學(xué)季刊》,2012, 12(1):47-70.

薛新東,劉國恩,“社會(huì )資本決定健康狀況嗎?”《財貿經(jīng)濟》,2012(8):113-121 。

Liu GG et al., “The burden of illness for patients with viral hepatitis C: evidence from a national survey in Japan,” Value in Health, 2012, 15(1).



秦學(xué)征,劉國恩, “醫療保險對勞動(dòng)力市場(chǎng)的影響:綜述分析,”《經(jīng)濟學(xué)動(dòng)態(tài)》, 2011(12):116-121。

Pan Jay and Liu GG, “The determinants of Chinese provincial government health expenditures: evidence from 2002-2006 data,” Health Economics, 2012(21): 757–777.

潘杰,秦學(xué)征,劉國恩,“體形對城市勞動(dòng)力就業(yè)的影響,” 《南開(kāi)經(jīng)濟研究》,2011;

劉國恩,蔡春光, 李林, “中國老人醫療保障與醫療服務(wù)需求的實(shí)證分析,”《經(jīng)濟研究》,2011(3): 95-107.


甘犁,劉國恩,馬雙, “基本醫療保險對促進(jìn)家庭消費的影響,”《經(jīng)濟研究》,2010.

王鵬,劉國恩, “健康人力資本與性別工資差異,”《南方經(jīng)濟》,2010年(9):73-84.

Qiu Y., Fu A, Liu GG., and Christensen D., “Healthcare Costs of Atypical Antipsychotic Use for Patients with Bipolar Disorder in a Medicaid Program,” Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 2010, 8(3):167-177.

Liu GG., Zhang SF ,and Zhang ZY., Investing in Human Capital for Economic Development in China, published by World Scientific, 2010.

Liu GG., Fukuda T., Lee CE. et al., “Evidenced-based Decision Making on Medical Technologies in China, Japan, and Singapore,” Value in Health, 2009, 12(3): S12 - S17.

劉國恩, “全民醫療保障與保民生促增長(cháng),” 《理論前沿》, 2009, 16: 5-8.

Liu GG., Li L., Hou X. et al., “The role of for-profit hospitals in medical expenditures: evidence from aggregate data in China,” China Economic Review, 2009, 20: 625-633.

Lin W., Liu GG., and Chen G., “The Urban Resident Basic Medical Insurance: a landmark reform towards universal coverage in China,” Health Economics, 2009, 18:S83-S96.

Liu GG., “Beijing’s perspective: the internal debate on health care reform,” published by the Center for Strategy and International Studies (CSIS), Washington DC., 2009.


李林,劉國恩,“我國營(yíng)利性醫院發(fā)展與醫療費用研究,”《管理世界》,2008, 10: 53-63.

Liu GG., Eggleston K., and Hu TW., “Emerging health economics and outcomes research in Asian Pacific Region,” Value in Health, 2008, 11:s1-s2.

Liu GG., Dow W., Fu AZ., Akin J., and Lance P., “Income productivity in China: on the role of health,” Journal of Health Economics, 2008, 22: 22-44.